Model:Samples Feature Requests Thread

Maybe like hitting CTRL-ALL twice would let you select/deselect the tracks you would like to ajdust, like switching between grid program and free program

you could use a Y-Cable since its all mono anyway.

With preview.

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An option to global mute on tracks?

An override for the default brightness settings when using the side power port would be helpful.

A global mute option

A way to see the what samples in the locks folder are actually being used and or a clear/purge option

Editing multiple trigs at the same time

Tracks only being muted on/off when you release the function key

A favourites system for samples

Being able to save kits and sample settings

Step preview

I just want to be able to remove p-locked trig conditions. There doesn’t seem to be a way to set a trig back to default without removing the trig and putting it back, which sucks if the trig has a bunch of other p-locks that I also have to remember to set.

I think I remember reading you can remove single p-lock

Yes: on M:C. Hold down the trig, twist the knob for the p-lock you want to remove, the FUNC+RECORD … removes one p-lock.

EDIT I should have said FUNC+PLAY or FUNC+CLEAR of course.

Was that what you wanted ?


Yes! I still can’t find it in the manual even though I know it works, but I’m going to get a lot of mileage out of this. Thank you!

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The manual is missing quite a bit of stuff. Check this thread for a more complete summary:


I don’t mind the limitations of the model:samples at all – with the caveat that I have enough studio gear to make complex/interesting sounds to feed it. And I don’t expect to get an off-road Bugatti Veyron for the price of a Honda Accord.

After months of use the only things I’d like to see are:

  • Fine tune of sample start and length (127 steps is too low-resolution for longer samples)
  • +/-48 pitch (surprised that it’s so limited, +/-24=2 octaves!)
  • Filter bandwidth (for tighter bandpass filtering)

I’m just happy to have something so musically useful that can be solar-powered at the beach :blush:


i supply for the fine tune

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and for trig pre listening for easiest way to chop sample on the same track

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would love:

musical scales. pleeeease.

octave up/down buttons in rec mode for p-locks (as in - hold a trig n then for example pattern button = Oct down / track = Oct up).

some random pattern entry kinda thing within musical scales.

env attack.



i was talking about p-locks not trig, i guess in elektron vocab :crazy_face:

if I have kids ima call em trigs. trigless trig n recorder trig.

I’m only having 2.

(im not having any)


Sorry if this is a repeat or else a wildly ambitious request.

For sample packs in which each note of a synth has been sampled.
Some way to map these onto the keys to play each sample (as sampled) in live mode.

Unless that’s possible already and I didn’t know…

Probably already requested, but just in case :wink:
Make the tracks associated with the specific pattern, so that you can have tracks muted/unmuted depending on which pattern that is selected.
And as mentioned above, musical scales :slight_smile:


I would like the ability to be able to check how much free storage space is left on my Model Samples, like I can on the Digitakt

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Decimal precision for sample start parameter. Without this it’s not possible to parameter lock the start position of a loop on the grid.

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