Monitoring mono sampling source via headphones?

maybe a noob question, but:
how can i set the monitoring options, so that if i want to sample my moog voyager and only have one mono input, say on in C, i can hear it on both sides of my headphones. otherwise i can´t judge my moog settings right…


I don’t think it’s possible from the mixer settings. You need to use a Thru machine and set the input to A for example instead of AB. You can then resample this track.

thanks for the answer, tho i don´t understand it yet…seems quite complicated. do i have to record it first to listen to it in stereo? i think i have to learn alot more

No you don’t have to record it first. I only mentioned resampling because you said you wanted to make samples of the Voyager, and this method will give you exactly what you were asking.

Set up a Thru machine on a track, and from the Playback page select the input you want to listen to. By default it is panned center so you will hear it from both speakers/headphones.

You do have to trig the track to hear it, either by placing a trig into the sequencer or by pressing track button + Play. It’s not complicated at all when you get the hang of it.

Thanks a lot! for your kind response.
i´ll try in the evening.
all the best