Monomachine Love Thread

The clicking envelopes are really getting to me, can someone confirm that I don’t have a defective unit? Are the oscillators in this thing just free running? No amount of attack seems to change it.

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I am down to see if it happens on my MnM MK1. Give me the exact set-up your doing and I’ll try it. I’m thinking, in my experience with clicks on sub freq samples (or syth waveforms), in sowftware or hardware, that because the waveform is so slow, that you can get clicks from the waveform ending at a non zero crossing…and then stating at zero. So a sin wave with different tones need to be stopped and started at zero crossing…Zero crossing meaning when the sin wave hits zero. Might be hard to do in the MnM. But I can try.
Edit: have you tried decay settings?

The click will probably be coming from the waveform being cut off, not the waveform starting. Same as Digitone or any other digital synth with very quick envelopes.

There’s an FAQ post from Waldorf about it, you get around it by programming your sounds and note lengths carefully. The alternative would be having to have deliberately slow envelopes to avoid clicking, which (for most people) is an inferior situation.

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Exactly, so maybe if you slowly turn back the decay… So that the waveform stops at the right point, it might work.

Release… the… what?..

Super simple test-

New Kit, 1 Track, GND-SIN machine, 1 trig (A-2 in my case) on first step of 16 step sequence.


Recording to Ableton, midi slaved. Tried also syncing to Machinedrum and to MnMs internal clock to no discernable difference.

Monitoring through my interface but the click persists upon direct monitoring with headphones.

I hear a click on each note no matter how short the decay or release or whether I’ve put down a note off trig. I zoomed in to inspect the recorded waveform and each note seems to start from a different non-zero point. At first I indeed thought it was a question of the decay and release envelopes not finishing before a new note triggered but I’m convincde the oscillators aren’t starting from zero.

The only solution I can find is to set the attack above 30 but this doesn’t feel like a good workaround. Am I just tricking myself into thinking that an attack value of 0 should be usable?

Does this setting make it sound the way you want it to? I feel like the MnM attack at 30 isn’t much. The env on it, in my opinion aren’t the best design, or should functionality. I’m prolly wrong…

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I’m pretty sure I remember reading all but maybe one synth machine type is free running, and I’m fairly more sure that includes the SIN machine.

I would definitely expect mine to click with those envelope settings. I think setting the attack to around 10 and adding a little release might help.


That link is really helpful, thanks! I thought I knew more than I did, gotta go with the ears rather than perceived impressions of what should happen.


I was just thinking. I have the MK1. Is it possible that the fw could be used/or ported to the MK1?

Currently in love with the FM+Static machine, this thing is heavy! Finally getting into the FM machines is such a revelation…


Currently discovering the higher octaves on this.
OT was controlling MM, and some weird thing happened (C4 would jump an octave higher and C2 an octave lower), so I played with this and discover the interest of having lower and higher notes rather close, with portamento in-between.

Sophie-like sounds were coming, gotta push this!


On the arp effects thing?

Doesn’t need, but can be mixed with it.

Btw, THE cool feature of the SID arp is that if there is only one note entered, it plays only one note, and if you stack at least two it plays the arp with them.

Craziest bit of arp being that you can set offsets on each arp step.
Plus mute these steps on the fly.

OK, now is the time for yet another watching of this crazy arp trick video that never gets old and illustrates so well the expression “MM arp is a sequencer inside a sequencer” :tongue:


Yeah, I likey the SID Arp. Last week I spent a day triggering samplechains on the OT with it. It was pretty insane. Making these offset sort of poly-rhythms. At some point, I had to stop…it was just a little crazy. i’m sure someone will master this sort of set up. Might try it again at somepoint if I can come up with a well thought out samplechain for somethig like this.

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I’ve been going into old patterns lately to drop the BBOX machine on the tracks with arps and it’s just fucking wild the sounds you can get. This trick never gets old!

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Have to say, now that I’ve spent about two weeks (which I realise is still a short time, as I’ve used it pretty sporadically before) of Jamuary playing with the MnM for about two hours every night, it’s still a love/hate relationship for me. Granted, hate is probably too strong a word but the time spent turning knobs / patterns completed ratio is not very good at the moment.

However, if not unconditional love every single moment, the past two weeks has been a reminder of how ridiculously powerful this thing is. And it’ll be up to me to unleash that power through months and years of studying and exploring it.

It is the only synth I have though that I can play for two hours and only (and I mean ONLY) come up with pure crap. And no, don’t tell me it’s about the journey! :rofl:


It takes time, though.

It helps to use a high-end reverb, but even without you can get real good sounds!

Some parameters can have a huge effect with very small tweaks.
And there are a lot of them that can impact significantly the sound!!

Very easy to come up with crap, I agree.
I would try first to get decent percussions out of the FM machines.

And tame the filters. I have hated them for a long time, it’s through the analyze of Autechre files that I have understood that I had not pushed enough my explorations.


Interesting. Would you mind explaining what Autechre did with the filters that you hadn’t tried before?

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Monomachine MK3 Keys (DT Keys forms-factor) would be a killer release for 2021

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