Monomachine Love Thread

Exactly !

Now cool thing is I managed to save one sample of the cool arp in the OT, and crafted something nice out of it :slight_smile:

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This is pretty freaking on the arp.

I don’t understand the mapping but it’s sound like an sh101 doing it’s analog thing off into space, and changing progressively.

Anyone now what the multi ch setting are doing what and why?

I’m on track 4 sid
Base ch 1
Span 3
Multi trig 4
Multi ch 5

Set the seq to
Spd 2
3 oct
Jump 1

Also now :mono midi seq on channel 4 changing track 4 back in the synth pages

Nice thread yall

Hey LyingDalai, what about your MnM ?
Is it alive ?

Thx for your concern, l’ami :slight_smile:

It’s kind of alive, the zombie mode alive.
@Ess told me to check the connectors, that it was most likely something very light.
But I unplugged and replug 3 times each connector, and still have all the LEDs on and a blank screen.

So I guess the MM is going to do a little trip to Sweden :sweat:

Sorry for you guy. Sad news.
Did you write to mother ship. Maybe they could give you a kind of secret procedure to reboot with a specific cobination of buttons ?

I already tried them all. Couldn’t hack it.
Damn zombie, it ain’t answering anything so far.
Sometimes, Synthesis+Filter+Track 1+Track 2 are not lit. Sometimes they are.

finally got round to arp’ing the bbox… on my god - so much fun and finally understand the sequencer within a sequencer line. what a machine!


The moment you turn the monomachine on, press play, start turning a few knobs and entirely new and unplanned patterns start emerging. I really don’t think that there is another synth quite like it. As frustrating it can be (for me) to get specific sounds out of it, so much stuff just emerges from it that’s incredible fun.


the dream is real!


Looks so futuristic under its plastic shell - like an alien egg ready to hatch.


love the flipped lcd screen colors

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After some time sitting down with more recent gear acquisitions (:elot: and :elan: especially), I’m finally back to my beloved Monomachine. Current plan is to try and do a song with just Monomachine and Analog 4 (for drums) and trying to stay at 16 beats (or less) per pattern and just see what I can make. But the other main reason I pulled out the Monomachine again is I’ve been itching to start playing more with the DigiPRO machines with a bunch of the Adventure Kid Waveforms.

Combining some of those Adventure Kid FM waveforms with the Monomachine Karplus-Strong technique and parameter-locking the hell out of the LFO settings is - once again - reminding me why this machine is so special.


…and this is just one of those… :grin:

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woop! my work here is done.

Explore Alien Brain


Ah yes, the Nord Monomachine, love those.


The Monomachine is sexy enough in silver, but I do really like that black’n’red style. Daamn.

Fun little experiments continue - I had planned on doing a little crossover action with the Monomachine and A4 where the A4 did drums and effects for the MM. But I didn’t like the drum sounds I came up with on the A4 (tried, perhaps with too much ignorance, to make my own). So I started tinkering with Monomachine again, initially doing just a kick based on the SID machine. And then remembering the Dataline “Monomachine Workflow” video I remembered that you could use the different waveforms on SID as kind of a cheap ‘sound lock’ and soon after accidentally coming up with a good hi hat sound while trying to make a snare, I had a complete drum kit on one track in short order that sounded better than my A4 attempts.

Also found the fun of turning track 6 into a Dynamix Compressor FX track on channel AB so everything runs into it. Using AMP trigs on the compressor track has opened up a whole new world of fun and evil sound design (suddenly able to make some nice fake sidechains and other volume stutters) while adding some really nice texture to the whole thing. Feed that into a taste of A4 overdrive and reverb: :love_hotel:


Cool experiment, I do practice same combo (MnM/A4) to enhance my last gig (the MnM replace the MD). The MnM produce the rythms and A4 the other sounds.
I didn’t realised sooner that MnM could be a really decent (glitchy) drum machine.

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