Monomachine recording yellow MIDI trigs

Hey folks,

just a short question.

I was just playing around with the MIDI sequencing tracks in live recording mode when I noticed that occasionally I was able to create yellow “note off”(?) trigs with the small keys of the Monomachine.

I wasn’t able to recognize a pattern on how to recreate them. What is the secret? How do you record such trigs on purpose?

Best regards,

Look at page 59 of the manual under trigless trigs. Basically, make a trig, then hold function and hit the trig and it will be a note off trig. Hit it again and you will make a trigless trig.

Hey and thanks for the reply!

The reference you described explains how to set note offs and trigless trigs in grid mode.
What I am searching for is an explanation for how these things are recorded in live rec mode, as it happened to me!

Best regards,

Hmm, any ideas?

i sometimes accidentally go and disable the “trig tracks” for amp, filter or lfo. that is, I bump the “trig select” button - check that all three lights are lit for amp, filter, lfo.

Yeah that’s right, happened to me too! :joy:

But this symptom is appearing in MIDI mode, where these settings aren’t available. :confused:

Ohh, my bad. Should’ve read your post more carefully.