Monomachine User Scales & Sequencer

yes it doesnt have MIDI but it has random triggers etc… big improvement in my opinion.
i’m talking here about the internal sequencer and its functions, they’re good and can stand the test of time.
if you want to purely compare midi sequencers to the MM then you can read my first 3 posts.

theres a lot of gear that “pisses on” other gear made 30 years ago. still not relevant to what should be expected from modern sequencers. again, look at the features of Zaquencer (cheap option) and MIDIBox (expensive option).

it was really a joy to sequence the MM from the Zaquencer… really felt like it unlocked a lot of potential. if a lot of the features on zaquencer were internalized into an elektron box, utility would be huge and i’ll bet the next ‘synth groovebox’ elektron releases will have very powerful internal sequencer that “pisses on” the MM. :innocent:

There’s a sequencer within a sequencer and 6 more midi sequencers in the monomachine

Arp On random it’s like a Rene by make noise. Just put 99 notes to hold down on one step, ha.

Shift the midi channels. RePlug in the mono midi sequencer and its arp sequencer.
Or Use trig tracks.

Nothing in the other elektrons come close to the mono power.


that sounds interesting. Could you explain that to someone who never used a MnM (but an OT if this helps)

Sure thing. There is an old trick:
Set arp to Sid
Set random
Speed from 14 or so upwards to higher
Lock in chord steps per note
You hold the step button and you can cycle thru the notes with left and left
Push down and you are on to the next note


A visual representation from the manual.