after the update, I can not fix the pitch, always goes out of tune, with the settings of the old firmware does not work, I do not understand why, does anyone know how make step by step and which notes to press after + 1V and + 4V on my keyboard connect with A4 and if the settings 0.352, 2.355 “A4” are no longer correct after update or I just press the wrong octave?
no one has the same problem with ELEKTRON A4 and MOOG Minitaur with the new Firmware 2.1.5?
with version 2.1.4 it was all perfect!
I can not put up the right tone (through CV with ELEKTRON A4) I really tried all ways, 12 hours of testing, all octaves, all volts, I turned it off, restarted, reset, I did everything, I’m going crazy! I had perfect settings on the A4, I work for months with Moog Minitaur, and now with this update, which has reset all, CV / gate / pitch does not go! I want the old version because it worked perfectly, the settings that I have are the same as use the other people (volts), differs a maximum of 0,005 volts, but we all have the same settings on A4 with older firmware versions of Minitaur, someone explain to me why everything has changed and and why I have this problem, moog works perfectly directly connected to the sound card and connected to the midi keyboard, but something has changed with the new firmware for the speech section (pitch / gate).