Moog Minotaur Vs. Matriarch

I own the Matriarch, but am curious if the Minotaur has a greater, thicker bass sound. I do find that when I increase the filter in my Matriarch I lose bass quickly. Any opinions?

The Minitaur also loses bass quickly when increasing the resonance (I think that’s what you meant?)



Try the Matriarch in series HP/LP mode and turn up the resonance on the HP filter (the one on the left) :slight_smile:

Another cool option is to do stereo mode and then you can turn up the resonance on one filter and keep the other at 0. Then if you patch VCF1 and VCF2 out to a mult and then into VCA1 it will sum them back to mono.

I’m on my phone, hope that made sense :slight_smile:


Yeah, every Moog filter loses bass the more resonance is added, even the Minotaur. And While you can get great bass from any Moog, the Minotaur is a beast. I used to have one. Sold it because it is somewhat limited. But the bass on that would rattle the walls. Talking about it now makes me want one again.

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I would second what @Affectionate-Bee-781 and @HoldMyBeer already said about Moog filters and the Matriarch work around.

I don’t have the Minotaur and haven’t used one, but I have a Sub37 alongside my Matriarch and it handles bass a lot better than the Matriarch. I do really like the Matriarch and it’s sounds, but the Sub37’s Multidrive is so much more useful when it comes to compensating for bass end when you bring up the cut off.

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Do you know if any of the Moog desktop units come close to the Sub37 as regards BASS? (Sub25 doesn’t count.)

Or which desktop is closest to the Matriarch soundwise?

I have a Matriarch but if I ever decide to play live I’m afraid my Mate is not coming with me. :grinning:

I would definitely say yes although you have 2 more Oscillator Waveshapes on the Sub37 (Triangle and Pulse). Either Minitaur (not Minotaur) or Sirin.

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I think if wanted something desktop sized to do Matriarch or Sub37 sounds live I’d probably get an MPC One…

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I don’t think that they have desktop unit that is in the Sub 37 or 25 family. If you want desktop and bass, check out the Minotaur.

From what I understand, the Grandmother has the same circuits, although it is not desktop and is monophonic, while the Matriarch is paraphonic. The Mother 32 is desktop sized. Although, I found that one to be very limited.

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Haha same here.

…no synth out there, not loosing fundamental low end once resonance gets boosted…
physically no way around it…
only increasing option the oppasite way is, if u find the exact selfresonating sweet spot down there…which then, worx only for that particular spot in frequency…

and the mini taur is a specific replica of moogs old and famous vintage bass pedal add on…
therefor it is “only” doing low registers…and to help that simple fact and support it’s tune stability for lowest ocatve, which it’s doing in an outstanding way!, even with boosted resonance by the way, it’s further pitch ladder is limited and shut up from c4 upwards…nothing happens beyond this point anymore regarding to pitch…
for too many good reasons…

the very best analog bass one trick pony out there…
and even given the fact, that all moogs got a nice fad low end…
the mini taur nails it anyways down there…

The Micromonsta2 touts a filter which retains bass as resonance increases. It’s digital but has multiple filter types and resonance options … and for the price and build quality I’d have no problem taking it for a live set.

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I don’t have a Matriarch but my Digitone can make wall rattling bass that the my Minitaur can’t. It’s a different flavor but something I definitely did not expect from the DN.


For playing live, I’m more likely to sample the Matriarch and play back the samples in Octatrack or even the MC-101.

Would probably just use my MC-101 for any bass parts that need to be sequenced live or played manually live. I may also bring out the Korg Monologue since it has patch memory.

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By the way, if I recall correctly the monologue doesn’t cut the bass when resonance is up. Same with my microvolt 3900.

The Vermona Lancet 15’ doesn’t lose bass when the resonance is boosted and it sounds quite similar to the Minitaur.

I would like to thank everyone for the output. I never would have assumed the digitone as a viable candidate for bass. What I am looking for is a warm, thick tone that doesn’t fall apart at lower registers. With that in mind - what else would be recommended?

Reading the forum:


I was actually revisiting Pro 3 videos for the sake of the Pro 3 itself, not because of this specific topic, but I stumbled upon Nick demoing the Pro 3’s “ladder resonance compensation” feature to address the very issue with Moog style ladder filters the OP complained about… as turns out Nick also hates that about ladder filters.

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