Moog model 15 app Or Audulus

Hey guys

I just bought an iPad Air2. Was looking to maybe get a modular App.
Would like to mess about and experiment.
I have a Voyager with the cv expander and Cv processor as well as some Moogerfoogers so I have some semi modular experience.
The Moog Model 15 app looks interesting while Audulus on the other looks more like something completely different perhaps more modular. I see myself aiming for sequences and glitchy generative patterns and not so much leads and pads or typical stuff I can already do on my hardware. Anybody willing to offer me some advise. I dont care to start an Analog vs digital debate. I plan to get a hardware modular eventual but for now I would just like to explore some software alternatives on the iPad. Perhaps explore the kind of modular I would one day like to build.

well then it would be audulus for you, no doubt about it. I cannot give any firtshand experience advice about it, but the Model 15, even while being the best sounding synth on the iOS platform ATM, is perhaps not as flexible in terms of generative sequencing as you’d want. The audulus however can be whatever you want it to be.

Bear in mind that you can ask for a refund if an app you buy sucks / is not for you!

ps this thread should really be in the lounge/other gear section

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I think that only applies in the EU. I’ve never tried it, but it’s my understanding that it’s much more complicated and uncertain to get a refund in the US.

Thanks guys, I did end up going with Audulus in the end. I had the first version on my iPhone a while back and must say the newest version on an iPad is a huge step up. It appears very deep and different than typical apps trying to emulate vintage synths. Do either of you guys have advice on the best way to get midi in and out of my iPad. Would be insane to use the MnM to trigger Animoog or Audulus.

well, the easiest and most compact way I know of is the iConnectMIDI1 midi interface. It plugs straight into the lightning connector and gives one DIN MIDI in and one out. Supports sysex well, and runs on iPad power.

Another way would be to use tethtering to a computer via wireless midi or the lightning USB cable (midimux app) and route the midi from the cmputer.

I will have to check that out. Would prefer a HW solution and not wireless. So iConnect sounds good.

just bought Audulus myself after weeks debating it. Seems like one of the sequencers in there is taxing heavy on the ipad air 2. But still a worthy investment. HOw has Audulus been treating you @Noby ?