Moog Mother 32

this problem was also noticed.
and this sequencer is strange in general.

Do you have any of the modern MPCs? I struggled with the update as I didn’t have a dedicated interface either, and none of my Elektrons worked - but the MPC One worked first time I tried.

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Thanks for the info! Unfortunately I don’t have an MPC. I kinda forgot about the update so I guess I’m happy with the M32 as is haha

I remembered I had the TM-1 (came with my new MachineDrum) and tried to update the M-32 with it but nope… BUT the M-32 was out so… (cheesy af, be warned!)

Some ratcheting, swing and changed the Assign CV to send the clock. I use the assign CV mid jam for the Reset CV (the sequence turns into just one note playing over and over).
I like using the M32 sequencer to get new ideas but I can never remember the “hidden” shift functions. Well, I discover it again and again so that’s like a brand new toy each time haha.

My mind initially processed the AR, DN, and Rev2 in the video thumbnail as a contiguous whole, and I had a what on earth is that synth moment before I realized what I was actually seeing.

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Looking for advice here concerning sequencer programming:
While jamming how do you approach a new pattern?
My way…

  1. selecting length via set end
  2. programming rests on each step
  3. Continuing from there with notes etc.

Is there a quicker way to have a blank pattern?
The Elektron squencer beginns with a blank pattern… i am so used to it and kind of replicating the same with the mother 32
I know you could take advantage of it and go to different directions but for let’s say basslines this is the most musical way for me and most of the time I am playing it via live recording (on my elektrons)
Thanks for your tips and insights!
And there is also no way to copy the notes of a 16 bar pattern to a 32 bar pattern like on the elektrons ( func. + page/scale)

Could you say more about what you’re trying to do?

I often just stop the M32 sequencer, switch to a new “blank” 1-step pattern, and play the notes in via midi, maybe at a slower tempo. Then hit I play and plug in rests, ratchets, etc in step mode.

If I’m understanding what you want to do (keep the sequencer running in time but blank, adding notes where you like in step mode) you could make one longer blank sequence as you describe with all notes switched to rests, save that to other pattern slots, and program in notes in individual steps as you turn them on?

And sadly no, it won’t fill the pattern as you expand the pattern, that’s a nice feature on Elektron. More often than not, I sequence M32 from Digitakt, though the ratchets are hard to replicate.

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“keep the sequencer running in time but blank, adding notes where you like in step mode”
Exactly that.
Very good Idea: i will programm one pattern with rests and copy it to different slots. Thank you!
I also used my digitakt to sequence it but then you wont get the ratches and accents etc. as you mentioned.
KB mode i dont use that often …
Also there is no way to check what note/pitch is on a step after you programmed it - just by ear…
or did i miss something.
Other than that i really like the mother 32 - great sound and handling

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Great. Yeah, they really do sound amazing. I’ve enjoyed sampling percussion sounds from the sound studio (I have Mother and DFAM) into Digitakt, too.

I’ll just note here that from Digitakt, while M32 doesn’t have a complete MIDI spec, you can use the portamento, accents (there’s a velocity threshold), and an extra LFO or makeshift ratchet by patching the assignable out to a CC, and modulating that CC with the midi track LFO. It takes setting up and getting used to, but I find it a great combo.

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That sounds interesting I will check that!
Sounddesign and sampling is a lot of fun with these machines!
And I really like the groove of the dfam sequencer - sorry off topic here

Hey Elektronauts,

I made a new tutorial in which I’m going through the most important techniques, settings and processes on how to get arp sounds that are lively, evolving and lush. I’m using the Mother-32 which is sequenced by the lovely Ableton Probability Arp (Max for Live), a combo which I really like to use recently. It’s such a pitty that the Digitone’s arp can’t be used via MIDI, would love to use that with the Mother-32. Any great arps you can recommend in combination with the M-32?

Have a great Christmas time and all the best,



Does anyone know what holding either the kb button or step button (arrows) and turning the glide knob does? I see it is giving some feedback that it’s doing something with the octave/location lights, but I am not sure what’s happening.

I couldn’t find it in the manual.

From the manual (online, for the most fresh version):

Hold down the (KB) button while rotating the GLIDE knob to
select one of the eight dotted note values.
Hold down the (STEP) button while rotating the GLIDE knob to
select one of the eight triplet note values.
Hold down both the (KB) and (STEP) buttons whole rotating the GLIDE knob to select one of the eight
straight note values.
NOTE: The selected clock division will be shown in green using the OCTAVE / LOCATION LEDs.
NOTE: The Swing Amount and Swing Interval are stored per pattern.
NOTE: A step will play for a duration determined by the current Swing Interval and Swing Amount settings. If the
on-beat Swing Interval ends in the middle of a step, the step will complete its remaining duration at the rate of
the off-beat Swing Interval, and vice versa.
TIP: To initialize the Swing Amount and Swing Interval to default values, first set or reset your Sequencer Clock
Division (this will also reset your Swing Interval), then press SHIFT + rotate the TEMPO knob to 12 o’clock for a
50% Swing Amount. Alternatively, initializing or reloading the pattern is a quick way to reset Swing settings, but
these are destructive actions, so be sure you aren’t losing any work since your last save


Thank you! I missed it in the manual.

Thank you for sorting me out!

You need the most (or at least relatively) recent version; it might not be in your paper version. I think this was added as a firmware update, but can’t remember which version.

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