Moog Sirin

I guess it Starts with preset 1. Change the settings and save it to Slot 1. Then it should load as Default Sound.
If Not, ask the Moog Support.

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@franklinstower I sold my Sirin long ago. Unfortunately, I do not know how to do the specific thing you are after. I would contact Moog support, they usually respond very quickly and are quite helpful. They provide live chat support on their website as well. Sorry I could not be more helpful.

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thanks for the help everyone. cant get it to work so i will contact moog support. thanks again.

What do you mean? If you hold Glide + Release for 1 second, it will save your sound as a preset. If you change the settings of the sound, you will have to save it again if you like it better than the previous one.

Which controller (keyboard) are you using to play your Sirin?

bear with me here.

i turn on the synth. it is set to something, i have no idea what but it plays notes. i then tweek it via the editor specifically concerning velocity sensitivity of attenuator and filter and note synch which is my need for playing bass. then i save it and turn of the synth. when i turn it back on again it is NOT where i set it.

each time i power off and on again i loose velocity sensitivity.

The thing is if you are on Preset 000, it is the Panel Settings and it doesn’t Save the Preset (it is a mirror of the Sirin Panel). So make sure you select another Preset (let say 001 by double-clicking on it in the Editor). Now if you save the Preset, it will save all your Settings including Filter Vel Sens.

That’s why I was asking you which controller are you using with your Sirin? Can you change the Presets with your controller?


this is hugely helpful!! thank you. i can do this. i wont need to use my controller as I will only ever use one present my whole life anyway. i just play bass in a band and those settings are the baseline, no pun intended. i can use the POT’s to make changes from there.

i am using a Linnstrument BTW as my midi controller. but setting that up to change the presents sounds like a haste way too complicated for a guy like me seeing as how I will only ever use one.

By default, I think the Sirin load up with Preset 000. So if you use Preset 001 and know how to navigate your Presets on the Sirin itself (use the Cheat Sheet), you will only have to press Glide + Oscillator 1 Wave once. Do some tests and give me some feedback.

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what i cant figure out how to do is to set a preset to 001 in the user preset file. there are no numbering systems that i can find and i dont even know how to make sure its set to user presets and then if it is saved to user presents how to make sure when i turn the thing on it will still be set to user presets.

i think its ridiculous that Moog hasn’t prepared a Manuel for this…

In the Sirin Editor, select Preset Manager. Double-click 001 (this will load that particular Preset on the Sirin). Do your tweakings on the Sirin or in the Editor Layout (Panel, Under the Hood, Extended). Save it on the Sirin by holding Glide + Release for one second (it will flash). Now, if you switch off the Sirin and switch it on again : a) you are on Preset 000 and think that it didn’t save your Settings or b) you are on Preset 001 and everything is fine.

If it turns out to be a), press Glide + Oscillator 1 Wave once to go up a Preset. You will now be on Preset 001.

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there is no 001 to select.

Now you understand why i sent it back. Just a thought, maybe exchange the Sirin with a second hand SubPhatty or a SlimPhatty?
They are about the same price. The Sub/SlimPhatty IMHO is easier to use.

ill call moog today and they will sort it out. its the moog sound that i require as they seem to be the only synths that can hand with the band im in. lots of acoustic instruments, violins, guitars and mandolins and nothing else fits in the mix.

I’m controlling the Sirin with a Digitakt. It’s really easy to save Presets when you have dedicated MIDI Tracks that can handle Program Change.

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Sub/SlimPhatty are from Moog too…

If it’s anything like the Minitaur, preset slot 0 is a special slot. It always reflects the state of the panel. Doesn’t recall settings.

It’s a bit like using a synth without a preset memory.

…and Minitaur always boots up on that preset.

I actually like that feature.

What’s like a Sirin (especially size), and not monophonic?

Hi Sirin owners ! I bough 2x power switches that gives you a power toggle in the cable. I thought the same switch will work in my eventideH9, sadly it does not. I can send whoever (in EU preferably) I switch if so desired. PM me =)


DSI Tetra?