Hi folks.
Am running a moog sub phatty through T2 (Input B) as a FLEX track. Rehearsal was going fine, finished the song, then went to reset trig paramaters, recorder buffers and drum machine for the start of the next song.
BAM, suddenly there is no sound coming through from the Moog, but there is still signal LEDs coming through for input B, so OT is receiving signal. The keyboard I have running through input A (T1) is coming through fine. It keeps happening to the Moog/input B. I can’t see any differences in settings in the menu windows for T1 or T2. So why no sound???
I set record and playback TRIGS for T2 and suddenly there is recorded sound from the Moog coming in playback, but still nothing live coming through.
I am completely baffled.
Any help appreciated.