More Elektron Boxes and not enough inputs

Hey guys, now the new Analog Drum Machine is annouced I want to ask how you are running your equipment through the Octatrack.

I currently run my Machine Drum through the inputs of the A4 and then into the Octatrack A/B. I found that if I rum the MD through the MM then the sound quality is not nearly as good.

From the looks of it the new box has some inputs. I am hoping I can run the MD through the AR in to C/D and the MM through the A4 into A/B

If you want to go budget => patchbay does the job easy

All my other gear -> cheap rack mount mixer -> Octatrack -> sound card

+1 on the patchbay. Waiting for my OT, but I figure the easiest option is to just patch things in as I need to.