Most Powerful “Minisynth” Ever

Did anyone say iPad? If not I’ll do it I swear.

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IPad only showed up three other times in this thread with search.

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Fair enough. Withdrawn.

I’d vote PreenFM for polyphonic, probably Typhon, Evolver, or Shruthi for monophonic.

Edit: More of a groovebox than just a synth but for all-around most powerful and usable in proportion to footprint I’d say Deluge reigns supreme.

Did someone mentioned Iphone SE. it’s smaller then ipad :grin:


I think the solution lies in looking at outcomes rather than inputs.

The status quo in the '90s was a rompler without any front panel knobs. VAs were probably a step back in expressive power from the DX7 series, but they were easy to program so were effectively much more powerful than DX7s.

The core wavetable engines in the Virus and Blofeld are powerful, but its easy to get lost in the modulations. Hydrasynth’s modulation UI seems like it would make very complex patches easy. The modulations are tied to sources and destinations in the signal graph and there are no wires obscuring anything.

I’d suggest that the anti-Hydrasynth is the Yamaha FS1r. It does have eight operators, and there is a formant sequencing engine, but none of it is usable from the front panel. Even with great software editors, I haven’t heard anything out of an FS1r that couldn’t have been produced with FM8 or a Monomachine more easily. While the Hydrasynth seems like a powerfully responsive instrument, the FS1r is a conundrum.

The most powerful minisynth is a laptoppable synth that clearly has more expressive power than the status quo at the time.

In my opinion, the HSE, Lyra-8 and MC-101 all meet that criteria, and the “most” powerful depends on what you want to achieve. The only downside to a golden age is the embarrassment of riches to pick from.


totally depends how you define “powerful” doesn’t it ? Im not really interested in specifications. Powerful to me means how it sounds.

Having played my Buchla 208C through a proper PA system for the first time at a little festival a few weeks ago, I’m going to to say this. Holy hell. Just electrifying.


ASM only has one device, which it sure took it’s own time to develop and launch. A very polished and great product it has, I have an Explorer myself. However, to title it most powerful ever… not only subjective, but will change rather quickly over time, especially if hardware specs would be the only realistic form of comparison (and not sound). I think even a Roland Jupiter-XM is more powerful than ASM’s offering.


I think for simplicity on this occasion we should categorise ‘minisynth’ as one with minikeys. It’s a gross simplification/massive assumption but as he’s talking about the minikey version of the HS I’m saying thats what they meant😉.

So, most powerful minikey synth?..

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I did not received mine yet but I think the new Roland Sh-4d could be a valid candidate;
4 part Synth, 1 part drum, 60 voiced polyphony, mini keyboard and a sequencer.


For me, minisynth is something that can fit in a backpack. With HSE that’s doable, Microfreak definitely, while something like Opsix is already too big.

For a desktop synth to be considered mini it needs to fit in a backpack with 2 octave mini keys controller. Blofeld, Virus Snow, SH-4d or Boutiques could fit the bill, Micromonsta and Volcas definitely, while Virus Ti Desktop Or Hydra desktop are too big. I also consider grooveboxes with programmable synth engines like MC-101 with latest update or Digitone here.

iPad is computer. If we go there, then laptop with a few heavyweight softsynths is the obvious winner and we can close this debate…


If Digitakt can be considered a synthesizer with sample-based oscillators, then, Digitakt?

Everyone has their own idea of what makes a synth “powerful”. For me, depth of sound design is a big factor. That’s why I bought a Hydrasynth. But I sold it when I realised the other big power factor for me is multitimbrality.

I think I’ve been spoiled by things like the Digitone, which can do so much for such a small box. Power = how much music can I make with this thing alone?

Syntakt, same Digi form factor, but 12 voices and four of them are analog. Criminally underrated “deepness”.

But I guess that and Digitone would be the most powerful “microsynths” if all those huge thingies mentioned above are mini :wink:

I actually am contemplating the idea of two Microfreaks - or one Microfreak and something else small and only one mono channel out - to my Syntakt, so I find this thread most interesting!

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No mention of Dirtywave M8 yet? :slight_smile:
Eight track sequencer, stereo sampler, several synth engines, really detailed modulation, effects…
And it fits in a jacket pocket.


For my money, the most sound quality per square inch synths are the Fred’s Lab Töörö, Micromonsta 2, DSI Tetra, and the (considerably larger but amazing) Toraiz AS-1.





Hmmm. I’m playing a micro festival this Summer. I have the core down to Ableton on MacBook and an Akai APC40mk2. Which of my synths is small enough to take with me for space-saving…? If I was taking modules, I reckon the Blofeld desktop would be going with me. Would that count?

Otherwise, relatively small size and bang-for-buck on the keyboard front, from my collection - has to be Nord G2 every time. Just hope I manage to sort out a good lock-up!

Thinking about it - MPC One is a pretty powerful platform, especially if you have the extra optional new synths.

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