Mother32 patchbrain

hi there, i created a little web interface to save your patches for the mother-32.
it is available at:

there may be still bugs but a friend of mine and i didn’t find any issues so far. maybe someone find it usefull



SWEET! I’ll be making good use of that.

best news in a while

thank you for sharing

any chance you can upgrade it to a 2tier or 3 tier --that would just be class!!!

i thought about that, too, just atm i am questioning how this would look in a browser… should the mother be downscaled, or should there be a scrollbar? what do you think

btw, if you find any problems please tell me, so i can improve it.

Maybe with this start a user patch database, searchable by FM Bells, Acid Bass or whatever? I know I would be all over it, trying things out…

Hey ello, thanks for considering it

-I think a combination of both, the scroll is unavoidable. How much, will be less if you scale it a bit down.

-I won’t be able to test it, till the weekend. But really excited about this.

-Have you shared this is Moogs’s Forum and on the Facebook Mother 32 Group and Facebook M32 Patches groups.

-I love Moodgproducts, but I believe it’s user base are not as helpful, in commuication as Elektron, Korg, Dave Smith, etc. This will be great to save patches, which was driving me crazy. Taking a good pic, with the buttons being metallic, in a photo they shine and can not tell where the knob marker is.

-Another request if you allow me, would be a PDF export. My only fear is that you close the website and I have all my patches stored there :slight_smile:

Anyway, thanks for sharing

Greetings from Barcelona

thanks for your feedbacks, i gladly add features (if i am able to :wink: )

@xidnpnlss, search function is already there. its the filter input in the load-popup, and the category is there for fast filtering. if you have any suggestions for categories, just type them, i’ll add them

@mcmullers, i’ll try adding it, but it will take some time, probably :slight_smile:
i have not published this anywhere else for now, since i don’t have an account on the moog forum. i allready asked at moog if they have something against using the mother32-layout for it, but they didn’t reply to me about it, so i thought i just start it slowly and if they tell me to stop it, well. dunno.

you are right about the pdf export, maybe a future feature. for now, i guess printing to pdf from the browser should do fine.

for sure i cannot guarantee that the database will stay, since, there may be security issues allowing someone to delete or destroy things. as well, as abusing it for whatever stuff, since there is a textinput for information (thich i restricted to 100 letters, but if someone puts whatever links in there, or evil mysql injections. that is beyond my knowledge :wink:

i guess the only thing i can do about it, is regular backups of the database and checking the entries from time to time. as i want it to be an easy experience, i didn’t want to put in options that i need to unlock the entries. atm, what is saved is available there.


Can I suggest making the indicators on the dials more obvious , e.g. A red dot ?
Also making the switch a little more obvious as to which side / up / down it is

I used it in chrome on iPad pro , worked nicely.

Very cool. Thanks!!

Currently getting some appreciation on the Facebook Moog Mother 32 page.

Very useful and environmentally awesome! Thank you Ello!

thank you for the headups :slight_smile:

@re5et, i’ll do those… and thanks for the info about iPad. glad to hear that

This is awesome!!