When I set the AR to receive and not send, it will not play the pattern I have made on it into Pro Tools. I wish I could get it to act like the Machine Drum and Analog keys=I can start their patterns and record them onto midi tracks into Pro Tools. They play back perfect and can be edited and played back better. But I don’t know how to achieve the same goal with the AR and the Octatrack.
I suspect it may something to do with Overbridge. I think if Overbridge is checked on the AR, it might not send midi. Is this true? What ifI have MiDi to usb + midi? Maybe I need to turn everything off and back on again.
This really helped me. My MIDI keyboard had been transmitting clock even though I could have sworn I had turned it off. Though obvious, I hadn’t been looking at the lights revealed why my clock was messed up. Thank you!
On a side note-- I need to figure out how to save scenes on my Korg49 MIDI keyboard with no clock. It seems like it’s not possible so I decided to just create a MOTU XT user preset where “REALTIME” i/o from the Kork49 is filtered out.