Mpc 1000

I’ve owned both and the only things the 2500s have over the 1ks are the bigger pads, two extra qlinks and 4 midi outs instead of two. Traded my 2500 for a 1k for better portability in the end.

But you really cannot go wrong with either, as long as you get JJOS and 128MB RAM (and in the case of the 1k, get a model with the upgraded pad sensors)

Must stop reading this thread - making me doubt putting my 2500 up for sale… haha!

I think the 1000 & 2500 were always close in terms of OS. Almost identical no? It was more that the 2500 had some extra controls, CD & HDD options and inputs/outputs.

Ah, beat me to it! - didnt spot we were on to page 2 on this ha!

Absolutely good point. I use a 16Gbyte CF card, but tried a 32 successfully too. I am not sure how much GByte are supported actually, but I think, up to date 64 GByte cards should do - maybe 128 too. There are some discussions about CF-Cards and MPC in the web.[/quote]
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I’ve got a Sandisk 32GB card that is basically unusable in my MPC1K with JJOS. It is recognized, but often hangs when loading or saving-a lot of newer cards have some fancy tech in them which seems to cause issues with MPCs.

Absolutely good point. I use a 16Gbyte CF card, but tried a 32 successfully too. I am not sure how much GByte are supported actually, but I think, up to date 64 GByte cards should do - maybe 128 too. There are some discussions about CF-Cards and MPC in the web.[/quote]
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I’ve got a Sandisk 32GB card that is basically unusable in my MPC1K with JJOS. It is recognized, but often hangs when loading or saving-a lot of newer cards have some fancy tech in them which seems to cause issues with MPCs. [/quote]
Good point.

I used 32GB Transcend 400x for a short test only and 16 GB Transcend 133x or Scandisk Ultra for regular use. Never had a problem with the 16GB and it seems to be enough storage for projects, if one does not want to store a huge library of samples there too … :wink:

I think I’m gonna do it now. I could always sell it if I don’t get on with it. I’ll have to go without jjos for a couple of weeks until I get paid again but no big deal right? And I can always use the free version while waiting.

I did it. Ordered. Now, I might be asking some questions about setting it up with the OT once it arrives so please try to be patient with me…
It has 128 of memory and the newer pads. I probably won’t install a hard drive this time but ordered a 16 gig flash card. Yay for me!

I’ve been reading a lot of conflicting info on which sequencer is better and which one should be the master when it comes to syncing. I’m thinking OT as master but maybe that’s a bad idea? Workflow would be something like this:
Program beats into the mpc
Then maybe add a bassline, then a guitar or synth all on the mpc then sample those tracks into the OT (but also want the option of programming sequences and other ideas into the OT when I feel like it). I don’t necessarily want the OT’s transport to start everytime I press play or record on the mpc but I want them to be in sync. And I’m thinking of sequencing an external synth with the mpc and also sequencing other gear with the OT. Can I do all this at once? Just wondering which piece would be better as the master/slave. I do know I want the OT to be the last thing all my audio goes through…so mpc,op-1, and other sources into mixer which goes into the OT(maybe). Guess I’ll just have to experiment.

Sorry I didn’t chime in earlier, but you can do all of this. I have the OT as master as it has a more solid clock (and acts as the hub of my setup). The MPC stays in perfect sync, and I can use both machines for sequencing. You’ll probably have to play with your setup to get the ideal configuration; I have a midi patchbay which helps to sort out routing. You can punch in to record sequences on the MPC using the overdub button while a sequence is playing, but there are a number of things that require stopping the sequencer, such as sampling audio. It’s definitely a powerful combo and I need to spend more time with my MPC.

I have both an MPC and an OT. I use the OT much more.

I’ve tried to use them together but I struggled with managing two samplers and all their respective samples and sequences, not to mention the signal routing. On paper they’re a great match, though. I would definitely use OT as master - more solid clock, easier to control tempos (with arranger or just the big knob), and the tempo-based effects like delay will work much better with the OT as master. Plus you can use the OT’s arpeggiators to control the MPC, and you can record your knob twiddles as MPC sequences.

There was a user named WNY on here that was enthusiastically rocking this setup for a while but I don’t think he’s posted in a long time. If he’s around he may be able to answer some questions.

Guess I’ll just have to experiment.

Yeah you will; there are loads of different ways to set that up. MPC’s do work well as a slave, and don’t forget you can also sequence the OT with the MPC and record the output into the OT as MIDI sequence and/or audio too. Then switch OT back to master, etc.
Possibilities endless…

I know this sounds absurd, but i boxed up my mpc1000 after I got my machinedrum.There isn’t much overlap between the two, what with the sequencer resolution and sampling function, but I too have an Op-1 and I was hoping to replace it with that. I really like using the Op-1 but in order to get quality sound out of it I have to pump files into my DAW, which kind of breaks my workflow. The Op-1 frustrates me for this reason, i want to use the funky LFOs with the sampler but when i push it in to the mixer, it just sounds dirty but in a bad way. anyway, yeah…mpc1000 if you can, get one. linear steps, sample your elektron gear. jjos etc. how is your Op-1?

OT and MPC sequencers are both great. The OT is a pure step sequencer and the MPC a linear sequencer. To do classical step sequencing on the MPC is no joy (at least not for me) but works fluently on the OT and is pure fun. Recording live (without too much of a quantisation) I prefer the MPC. It’s - for me - easier to get a funky groove directly in the box with the MPC.

To use the OT as the master clock (midi) should provide the best tightness.

For me it’s convenient to use the OT as a master to start - stop other gear too. But this is only a matter of workflow and OT/MPC general settings ( who is sending/receiving what signal/data).

In a combination of OT and MPC I don’t understand, why you might want to record a bassline on the MPC and then sample it to the OT? Just leave it there, if you don’t need the typcial OT sound mangling, or copy the file, because it’s already a sample, it will not improve by beeing sampled a second time, or use a Thru-Machine in the OT. Just keep in mind that the MPC provides much more tracks than the OT. I would reserve the OT tracks for the real cracy stuff and use the MPC for the more standard tasks.

OT and MPC sequencers are both great. The OT is a pure step sequencer and the MPC a linear sequencer. To do classical step sequencing on the MPC is no joy (at least not for me) but works fluently on the OT and is pure fun. Recording live (without too much of a quantisation) I prefer the MPC. It’s - for me - easier to get a funky groove directly in the box with the MPC.

To use the OT as the master clock (midi) should provide the best tightness.

For me it’s convenient to use the OT as a master to start - stop other gear too. But this is only a matter of workflow and OT/MPC general settings ( who is sending/receiving what signal/data).

In a combination of OT and MPC I don’t understand, why you might want to record a bassline on the MPC and then sample it to the OT? Just leave it there, if you don’t need the typcial OT sound mangling, or copy the file, because it’s already a sample, it will not improve by beeing sampled a second time, or use a Thru-Machine in the OT. Just keep in mind that the MPC provides much more tracks than the OT. I would reserve the OT tracks for the real cracy stuff and use the MPC for the more standard tasks.[/quote]
I may not sample basslines or anything else into the OT. Just wanted to have that option. I’ll wait until it actually gets here before I ask any more questions. Like I said, I have owned one so not totally clueless; just don’t know much about using it in conjunction with the OT

It’s on the way. Contacted seller and it does indeed have jjos, 128 of ram, and new pads. So I’m a happy camper.

There’s different versions of JJOS. There’s a free version called JJOS 3.16 that a lot of sellers install to make it seem like better value to uninformed buyers. But since you owned an MPC before I guess you know all about it.

The only reason I am selling my MPC 1000 to fund an OT is that the OT has 4 inputs, the MPC1000 has only 2. I use two external synths with stereo outs for my live setup so the OT eliminates the need for a mixer, which is a huge plus in my book. I am all about travelling light and it is impossible to find a truly compact dedicated line level mixer to hook up a bunch of synth boxes.

Now that I got into it with the OT I have to say that I kind of prefer the OT workflow over the MPC1000 a bit. But that is highly subjective.

So if anyone needs an MPC1000 with JJOS2XL, new pads and in great condition hit me up. Based in Germany.

You need to make sure it’s not just new pads but an entirely new pad system.
The original pads were single-pad contraptions with their own electronics and housings, all bolted together in an array…this was garbage and inevitably broke. However, you can still get replacement pads for them (that will also break).

The new design was a completely different system - one board of sensors and one sheet of rubber pads. This can be replaced with aftermarket pad sheets as well.

So if it has ‘new pads’ as in colored pad sheets, its got the upgrade. But it’s worth clarifying that its not just new-same-old-shit pads from the first design.

Your mpc will break if it has the old pads.

There are also various levels / prices of jjos - is it the free version or the paid (>$100) version? The paid version is incredible - the free one still beats akai, but the paid versions take it to other levels.

Apologies if this has already been clarified in this thread.

jjos2xl and new pad system

Actually jjos1 version 4.99. Will I be able to use a 16gig CF card with this? I’m planning on upgrading to jjos2xl as soon as the mpc gets here since that’s what I was using before. I bought a 16g CF card. Should I have bought a smaller one? I’m mainly thinking of how the card is going to react to the older jjos1 while attempting to upgrade…

16GB (think it Kingston) works fine in my 1k (which is an early blue/brown model w. updated pads). I can look at the exact model-spec. tonight & tell you.