MPE Synth/Controller options

Ya, I saw that. Thanks for the heads-up though.

I posted the following comment on the LinnStrument forum, in response to the news, and it remains my general sentiment for now:

We’ll see.

Implementing MPE properly seems to have proven a challenge for hardware synth manufacturers, even on synths designed with said functionality in mind. Retrofitting it into the OB-6 and P-6 is sure to be fraught with issues, and Sequential/DSI has never been very organized or accountable when it comes to ironing-out the finer wrinkles in their operating systems, especially when it comes to the more esoteric edge-cases.

And while I must admit that the OB-6 and P-6 sound fantastic (particular the OB-6, I have to say), they’re a little light on modulation for anyone looking to get the most out of expressive control.

I can see, for instance, that people have already reported some MPE-related bugs on the Sequential/DSI forum. To be expected, I suppose. To that end, I’ll be keeping a close eye on this as the beta progresses. If nothing else, this is certainly a hopeful step in the right direction.

Now, whether or not I will ever give Dave Smith my money again, after the Tempest fiasco, that’s another story altogether. :wink:


OB-6 with the linny :scream_cat:

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This is what I use and it’s great!

I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with my Linnstrument; as you say, any multitimbral synth can be made to respond “MPE style” with a bit of programming. I’ve gotten great results with a Waldorf microQ, Korg O1/W & Wavestation, even an Eventide DSP4000 (fader mode on Linnstrument), and a bunch of different mono synths…

With older gear, I have to think about how the Linnstrument is set up, and for me personally, I don’t rate aftertouch much, and I hardly ever use it… so MIDI overload problems are easily solved for me by turning off the AT… pitch slides, the guitar-style layout, and the round-robin MIDI channel “MPE” thing it does - those things are where it’s at for me… aftertouch? pffft, Nah…

Out of curiosity, what issues did you have, and with what gear? Name them and shame them, in the interest of consumer protection! :wink:

Sorry, man, but if you’re asking me to recap five years and thousands of posts worth of troubleshooting and gear talk, that ain’t happening. But I assure you that I have named them and shamed them in the interest of consumer protection. Indeed, that’s how I got pulled into the online conversation in the first place. To that end, you’re welcome to research my opinions on this forum, the KVR LinnStrument forum, and the Sequential/DSI forum.

I always use the same handle. :wink:


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…45 posts around mpe…

and not a single mentioning of roli…!?
no word about sensel morph…

hmmmm…so if u want mpe expressiveness…check out on rolis software options…for example…
like equator…fx pansion’s cypher…
serum talks mpe also…
bitwig is mpe all over the place…
logic and ableton also joined the mpe cake recently…even garageband…

mpe got it’s dedicated controlers like rolis seaboard, sensel morph, linns take on it,
osmose is at the horizon…haken continoum is in the game since ages by now…like roli…

and the software end is really catching up these days…
and so is hardware…

while tomorrow my bitwig will make first contact with sensel morph…

I’ve been using the morph with Bitwig this past couple of months and really enjoy the capabilities of what it can do. My only complaints are that the feel of the keys is not anywhere close to other MPE devices I’ve tried, and the sensitivity is sometimes too little. The Sensel Morph also doesn’t work with drum sticks without the drum overlay. Feels too overpriced for what it offers, but hopefully we have plenty of other options in the future. Can’t wait for Osmose

Just to update this, the prophet 6 and ob-6 now support MPE (at least on the latest beta firmware)

…for such an ultra universal controler like the sensel…under 300 bux…under 40 bux for various dedicated overlays…also the developer one…which is the only one u really need, end of the day…that feels overpriced to u…?..while u can’t await the osmose for two grants…!?

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Sensel morph is the cheapest mpe controller right?

…as far as i know…yes.

but i got it in first place, because roli can’t deliver the seabord blox at the moment…
and i needed mpe right away for a certain project…so i took that road…instead…

i got conformation about a new delivery date for roli now…mid of april…

i’ll keep the sensel anyways…because mpe is just one of it’s many skills…
and also get the roli seaboard block, because that is more like a real music instrument that is nothing but ALL about mpe “only”…

and the sensel will become an universal and flexible controler surface for everything else from then on…

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Yeah, it’s pretty cheap: with a 3V floor, it won’t play low velocities.

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For an inexpensive MPE keyboard you can consider the ASM Hydrasynth Explorer when it is available. It will cost $600 USD.

The Sensel Morph is an inexpensive option if used for non-drumming uses.

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I put together a list of the options available for MPE Keyboard Controllers. I am trying to be complete, so if i am missing something let me know.

I’ve broken down the classification of these to three general areas :

  • Type A - Standard Keyboards ( or very close )
  • Type B - Resembles a Standard Keyboard ( close but different )
  • Type C - Other Arrangements

The List

  • Expressive E Osmose — (49), Synth, coming soon — Type A
  • ASM Hydrasynth — Keys (49), Deluxe (73, with split), Synth — Type A
  • ASM Hydrasynth — Explorer (37 mini keys), Synth — Type B+
  • KMI KBoard Pro 4 — (49) — Type B+
  • Sensel Morph, keyboard overlay — (24 mini keys) — Type B
  • Joué Play, keyboard overlay – (25 mini keys) — Type B
  • ROLI LumiType B
  • ROLI Seaboard Rise — various — Type B
  • Haken Continuum — surface, three sizes, Synth — Type C
  • Linnstrument — grid, two sizes — Type C
  • Polyend / Dreadbox Medusa – grid, Synth – Type C
  • Madrona Labs Soundplane – grid – Type C
  • ASM Hydrasynth Desktop —grid (24 pads ), Synth — Type C
  • Joyst JV-1 – 39 game style joysticks – Type C
  • Striso Board – 61 key isomorphic key board – Type C
  • Intuitive Instruments - Exquis —hexagonal isomorphic — Type C
  • Sensel Morph, non-keyboard overlays — custom, various — Type C
  • Joué Play, non-keyboard overlays — custom, various — Type C
  • Embodme Erae Touch — custom, various— Type C
  • ROLI Lightpad — custom, vatious — Type C
  • KMI QuNexus — 25 blobs — Type C+
  • KMI K-Board-C — 25 blobs — Type C+
  • KMI QuNeo – 4x4 grid – Type C
  • KMI BopPad – drum surface – Type C
  • Artiphon Instrument 1 — Guitar like fingerboard — Type C
  • Zivix Jamstik Studio Midi Guitar – Guitar – Type C
  • Eigenlabs Eigenharp – A whatchamajigger – Type C

When considering a controller, you need to understand the details of the MPE implementations of both your target device, and your prospective controller. The MPE depth and dimensions of the devices above vary greatly.

Edits & Credits :

ADDED : Polyend / Dreadbox Medusa, Thank you craig !
ADDED : Hydrasynth Desktop. Thank you obscurerobot !
ADDED : Madrona Labs Soundplane, Thank you craig !
ADDED : Arturia MicroFreak. Thank you TBN !
ADDED : Artiphon Instrument 1, and Joué Play.
ADDED : Joyst JV-1.
ADDED : Striso Board and Eigenharp. Thank you thetechnobear !
EDIT : Improved order of Type C entries, added BopPad, added “Edits & Credits” section.
ADDED : Jamstik.
EDIT : Changed closing paragraph.
DELETED : Arturia MicroFreak. It is not really MPE, though it does have poly-aftertouch.
ADDED : QuNeo.
ADDED : K-Board-C
ADDED : Exquis


wait, the Hydrasynths aren’t themselves MPE controllers, though they can be set up to respond to MPE controllers, isn’t that right?


I should say that the Sensel Morph is fine as a drum controller, just not if you’re totally into drumming and demand full-spectrum dynamics. It really wasn’t bad, just not good enough for me because I already have better, but much more expensive, options.


No they send MPE. They are MPE controllers. Have been for a while, but not from day one.

WTF?! How did I miss this? How does a Hydrasynth do Y-axis? And they do release velocity?

No Y Axis for the Hydrasynth. It will be second class to Osmose when that arrives. But the aftertouch is good and sensitive.

I shall add to the list that both the Deluxe and the Explorer do Note Off Velocity. The 49 Keys one will not.

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Well, without all three of X, Y, and Z (both positive and negative), it’s not MPE. HS’s PAT is great, but I don’t think you can call any of them MPE controllers.

It is MPE. I was just looking at the MIDI that gets generated and read the MPE spec.