I just want to be able to sidechaining my DT’s kickdrum to the samples/synths coming out my OT. Record maybe different tracks from the DT and OT seperarely into a recorder and from ther a use effect sends to apply reverb/delay
While it’s not a dedicated recorder, I’ve found myself rather intrigued by the Zoom L-12 lately. It’s got a whopping 5 independent stereo mix busses (intended for headphones but I reckon I’d use them as sends).
If I wasn’t so in love with the compact form factor of my K-Mix, I’d have one on my desk right now.
Was planning on getting a 802VLZ and I’m currently using a sp-555 as my pseudo portastudio lol
I like the idea of being able to record everything tracked out and then send effects thru each track as opposed to recording a performance that’s “finished” on my SP