Music box for TOTAL beginner

Hi all,

I have a friend (a Japanese girl) who has been talking about making music for about a year and done nothing about it. It’s her birthday and I’d like to get her something to start on. I think it will need drums, synth capability and some fx.

She likes k pop, I listened to some stuff she likes, very pop, there were sampled drums and synth lines. I think she generally likes electronic music too.

I’d like to keep the price down if possible. She was watching drum machine videos and mentioned the Pulsar 16, I told her it’s probably the most complicated drum machine ever, she said it made sense how you put the “wires” in different places to do different things. I’m a Eurorack user but I certainly don’t have the budget to gift a euro system.

I think consideration on what to do with the music once created is a good idea - can you get the stems etc from the box.


Novation Circuit Tracks or MC101? The Circuit doesn’t render stems, but a small Tascam recorder or a Scarlet audio interface will do the trick.


First thought that came to my mind as well (Novation Circuit Tracks). Flexible and straight forward at a decent enough price.

Digitakt as well, of course, if you love this friend a LOT! :slight_smile: (price tag and all ;))

Yeah, I reckon that new circuit would probably do the trick.

Or go mental and get her the Erica Pico System 3.

OK wow the circuit tracks cost more than expected.

I think around £200 max is all I can muster.

Edit: God the MC101 is expensive too :man_facepalming:t2:

I don’t look at the lower end of the market for myself. I thought
This stuff was cheaper.


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A second hand, first-generation Novation Circuit is likely to be closer to your budget.


A Korg Electribe Sampler (used) should be around 200€. Alternatively a Korg Volca Sample 2 for 169€


Korg Electribe 2S? I found it frustrating but in terms of bang for bucks on the used market its hard to beat. Slicing and stereo sampling and 16 tracks. Take that digitakt.


Ah you got there first

If your friend is already looking at drum machines and you want to buy new then why not check out Drumbrute Impact? Would fit your budget and it has an FM drum part that can add a melodic vibe too… I’ve not used one myself but watched plenty of vids and personally I think it sounds great and it’s a very hands on fun performative machine with a great sequencer.

If you go second hand then Novation Circuit would be a more complete groove box type option as already mentioned above. You could also consider a couple of Volca’s.


Hmm, my first thought was model samples. A PO-33 might even be a fun enough start.


If you can afford, Digitakt is amazing for beginners. And it stay long time with you even when you are more advanced.

Circuit. OG is fine.

Yeah, it could get really pricey if you try to come up with an all-in-one, which might make her feel awkward! I don’t think you need to do everything for her, anyway. Just get her excited about what she can do herself. Something like a Volca Sample/Model Samples loaded up with sounds that you’ve made on the euro could be a very exciting/meaningful gift.

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The Ellitone E64 is $290 so close to your budget, has built in musical composition tools so that even rough experiments produce pleasing results. Give their first demo a listen:

It’s available through Etsy.

ADDED: That’s 208 £ .

I might not be the best at maths but that’s roughly 50% up from his budget…

I think the idea of a starter like model:samples or Korg Volca Samples is enough to give her a taste and set her on the road.
Especially if you stuff it with samples of your own gear as @colonel_mustard said, that makes it even more personal as a gift.

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I mean, does she have a laptop, or maybe an iPad? It’s probably great to get her a hands on machine, but it seems like a stretch on your budget. Maybe gift her Reaktor, or cherry audio or something if she’s into modular

There’s a difference in the type of math one does when buying for others, than for one self. Not to mention the math when suggesting stuff to strangers

No iPad and laptop very old. She was talking about getting a Nintendo device o use the Korg apps. However my feeling is she’d do better with a dedicated piece of hardware. I think she would take the time to learn it, if it’s not too complicated.