Musikmesse : my AR testing feedback

Thank´s for your feedback twyce : )

Do you have more info about the sampling part?

How much memory / is it possible to play only the sample (maybe a seamless looped synth voice etc. as a mono synth; even if it is somehow limited)

Filter etc. also for the sample?

Whatever you know … please share : )


bummer…my first negative thought I’ve had about the RYTM

the limitation is fine, the grouping, not so much…

I mean OH/CH makes perfect sense…RS/Clap? who thought of that pairing…if anything it should be Snare/RS

maybe that’s my acoustic drum playing thought process kicking in but still…

^ Could not agree more, it should be Snare/RS for sure, Elektron - change it please!

I don’t know the inner workings but if they allowed you to re-assign the voices it seems you could get past it possibly…thing is, on my RS sound design, I am going to want some of the snare elements obviously (i.e. noise).

Wonder if anyone is even able to bring such things to Elektron’s attention.

I’m guessing none of their “testers” have actually played real drums or they would have immediately brought this up. :slight_smile:

…obviously I haven’t touched one so I don’t know…maybe I’m missing a feature…that’s why I asked about it

@heaven : No infos about memory, I didn’t ask in fact … :sleepy:
You can play only the sample, with level down on synthesis parameters.
Filter is applied to synth + sample as I remember, also the envelop and FX sends (delay + reverb).
You can loop the sample, move the start and the end, and use the envelop to make a kind of sample synthesis as you said.

@subq : I fully agree with you, and I didn’t realize that because I am not a drummer … :smiley:
I don’t want to make mistake, but as I remember, Dataline explained me that for the first row of pads (BD to Clap), the type of sound can be changed, on the KIT settings. I tested it for the BD and the SN, but not for RS/clap … So we can only wait a confirmation from Elektron team or wait the official manual to be sure.

I’m sure you’ll be able to sculpt a nice rimshot using the snare machine. RS and clap only share the same slot if you use the rimshot machine to create your rimshot sound.

I’m pretty sure the sharing is based on what circuits can be created with the resources.

Definitely not traditional though.

bummer…my first negative thought I’ve had about the RYTM

the limitation is fine, the grouping, not so much…

I mean OH/CH makes perfect sense…RS/Clap? who thought of that pairing…if anything it should be Snare/RS

maybe that’s my acoustic drum playing thought process kicking in but still…[/quote]
No worries there as you can assign clap / rimshot engines to any of the first 4 tracks. So you can actually make snare/rs pairing…

^ Great news! Cenk, any chance of some raw demos of solo individual hits of the analog sections, perhaps with a bit of tweaking of single patameters at a time? I understand that the machine might be tweaked before release but it would be great to hear some raw sounds to get an idea of what sort of range and tone it has, pretty please :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


pretty,pretty please :wink: :slight_smile:

Just pre ordered…must be freaking out of my mind. It´s gonna be a hush hush don´t tell the wife motel. Could abselutly do with some more vids too, but I have a feeling they are coming sneaking the next couple of weeks.

Regarding single hits being tweaked, there are various videos from the NAMM n Messe shows with good input showing these already.

There will of course be official examples coming soon, but a bit more patience is needed.

Hey Cenk, maybe you can give us some information about sample-memory, max sample length etc.? : )

Will the AR read loop points from files?


Can you share how many different distinct types of analog voices are in there in terms of the analog circuitry on the board? Your remark seems to suggest that the first 4 tracks (labelled BD, SD, RS, CP) all share the exact same circuitry.

sweet! I was hoping they were just engines/machines that could be assigned something like that

Can you share how many different distinct types of analog voices are in there in terms of the analog circuitry on the board? Your remark seems to suggest that the first 4 tracks (labelled BD, SD, RS, CP) all share the exact same circuitry.[/quote]
If it is like the A4, it contains programmable analog circuitry. They might share the same resources, but have different circuit designs.
I’m not sure of the details, but some sort of programmable array. Something like a FPGA or FPTA.

Got to love when a firmware update changes the analog circuits in your synth.

That’s simply not possible.

I think the circuitry is a bit more general than what you’d find in an 808 or 909. The different “machines” that you can assign are probably different ways of driving these instead of giving you direct access to all the internal parameters that are under digital control.

The first 4 tracks likely share the same 3 circuits. I wouldn’t be surprised if these consist of dual sine oscillators with the ability of oscillator 2 to control the frequency of oscillator 1 (for the FM kick) and a ring modulator between the two oscillators (for the ring mod kick), an impulse generator (for the kick and rimshot clicks and the clap), and a noise source.

In a way, the machines are macros that define the way in which the signal is routed through these circuits, and carefully chosen parameter ranges and transfer functions that give you useful control over the sound.

It’s a rather smart way to offer a wide range of possibilities with a limited number of components, really.

That’s simply not possible.
I am often wrong about things. Any expertise to back up your assertion? (How am I misunderstanding a field programmable array?)
They did change the A4 oscillators via a firmware update after release.

If I spoke with ignorance, I apologize for spreading stupidity.

An FPGA is for digital stuff. I don’t think you’re spreading stupidity, I just wanted to add my impression of what I think might be going on here.

I’m not aware of a firmware update for the A4 that changed something about the oscs (is there a list of release notes somewhere?), but I do know they added an option to boost the resonance on the ladder filter recently.

Something like that can be done by increasing the range or transfer curve of the control voltage that’s generated from the digital parameter values. They’re not changing the analog circuitry, they’re simply feeding it different voltages when you turn the knobs. :slight_smile:

I should have said an FPAA. Same dealy, just all analog. I have no confirmation that’s what they are using. Just a guess and spouting ideas of others. I like the idea of different routings through different blocks.

If I remember correctly I think it is 4 minutes of sample time or a maximum of 4 minutes per sample. I think I heard Cenk explain this in one of the Namm videos.