Mutable Instruments Beads

Tell me about it. Even when you spell it out, I don’t see the trap. That’s how little I know of these things.

Paul Atreides from Dune said something along the lines of “Knowing you walk into a trap is the first step in avoiding it.”

I’m nothing like Paul Atreides :slight_smile: I could probably get caught in a bear trap and still wonder where the hell the itch is coming from.

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Example: awe shit, my rack comes up short 2HP. I’ll just get another little 48. No wait they make a 90…I’ll get that. And sell my 48.

(2 weeks later) damn. My 90 is full, but I need that oscillator. It’s 60HP. I might as well get a 208 case. I’ll sell the 90, get the OSC and…hell…I’ll need a VCA.

Two cases later and a sold kidney, you’re pan-handling for module money.

BE CAREFUL. set limitations.


Oh, man. That could be me. That was me, not too long ago, though with regular hardware.

Yeah listening back it’s a lot to do with the source material but I really like what it’s doing with it.

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Worst part with gas is, new gear usually brings something to the table - at best, it actually improves your stuff somehow. At worst, it’s usually at least an experience richer.

So it’s not like it doesn’t have its payoffs, which makes it even harder to back off once you’re caught in it.

It’s like, it’s not all bad. And that’s scary cause it’s true :slight_smile:


This is diff than proper gear. A synth is a contained unit. With euro it’s fluid. You can get growing the box.

But Beads sounds super good. I’d sell my clouds and monsoon to get it and save HP.

Clouds and Nebulae had a drunken roll-around and ended up with a Beads.

For a music forum, there should be a native function that would allow you record a source and post it easily.

I’ll try to give you a sample shortly.

Edit: @finalform Reverb example. DPO sine straight in, no beads.

(Left the scorched tape setting on which accounts for the “noise”. Sorry)


Get a intellijel pallette


Thanks for doing that! Nice smooth sound, a bit Eventide-y like if you roll the top end off some of the Space algos. Maybe dark was the wrong word but it’s got a… cave-y…? atmosphere to it. Looking forward to playing with it.

What’s that you say? No cat? No potted plants? AND an electric guitar? What has gone wrong with the world of modular synthesis! Instead, I plugged my guitar into Beads, to conjure up a rather dark and cinematic world. Just to show that other possibilities are available, and how musical this module can be. And it made me think of @finalform comments here about the cave atmosphere too


Sounds beautiful, very musical.

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Thank you! That’s actually my ambition when I make video documentation. These aren’t demos of gear, they are using it to actually make music. There are others who can make so much better detailed explorations of the possibilities but I’m keen on making sure that it fits within a musical context.


Make sure your modules will fit though.

Had planned this case at first but went with a MN skiff because ES9 would not fit, not even close.


Every time I scroll past this thread I read Mutable Instruments Beards and I think “finally, a modular company that knows its audience”.


Fair point!

Weren’t the X models designed deeper with this issue in mind?

YES! The PODx60 and PODx34 if I recall well, but that is a 4MS joint. No Palette biz.


AH right. My bad.

Pods are also pretty sweet small setup options.

Keeping it OT: granular heads: do sine waves often cause pretty unpleasant crackles in granular?

Totally! Will move my ES9 over to a PODX if my MN skiff is loaded, but I am not in a hurry. Have to keep up with using and learning it all too.

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I’m just starting this journey and this is precisely what has happened. What was going to be a 64 HP rack for modules to complement the Mother-32, DFAM, and Subhamonicon turned in 2x 6U 84 HP Doepfer DIY kits (still waiting to be built). The Moogs will go in so that eats up a big chunk of space. I have all HP full down to the last HP. But I keep asking myself “do I need a mixer in euro? Could I sell my Strymons and get reasonable substitutions in euro? Could I replace my A4 with a Black Sequencer?” all in the pursuit of having a smaller footprint.

I just started this 4 months ago and I haven’t even patched my first module outside of Moogs. Getting wood for cases in two weeks

It’s compelling but slippery. If you truly set HP limits and never break that rule you’ll be good IMHO.