Mutes AR with numerology

Hello everyone, I’m testing with numerology as master sending midi notes to the machines and I see that when I want to mute the sounds of AR go off the pads but the sound is still there, does the mutes in AR. If anyone knows how to do appreciate it. thanks

not sure I understand what you’re trying to do, but track mutes only mute the internal AR sequencer trigs. Even when muted the sounds still play from the pads or from incoming MIDI notes. You need to use volume CC control if you want to mute all output…

I’m trying to do is create patterns from numerology and mute midi sounds anytime from AR. It is something that could be done before the MD and also with RA but I had to format the DAW and now after installing the numerology can not. I think the problem comes from numerology but can not find the way (yet) to get :wink:

Well like I said, you cannot use the AR mutes to mute incoming midi notes AFAIK, so you need to handle the muting from numerology. One workaround might be to send the mutes from the AR into numerology and map them to numerology mutes by using the AR as a controller, check the manual on how to map this.

Hello, what happens is that when shooting a midi pattern from numerology to the AR and pretend muting from the AR, for example the kick, the green light turns off the mute but the sound is still listening

Like tsutek said, muting on the AR only stops the sequencer notes from playing.

Incoming MIDI, or things played on the pad will still be heard.

If you want to mute, in your situation, you need to mute from numerology, or to turn down the volume of your track.

The mute function has NO effect when using an external sequencer

You can use the mutes to control external sequencers as well, just needs configuring the AR as a controller and mapping the mute controls to the proper destination… but yeah.