Hi, my liveset is almost finished. I use the octatrack as mixer/effects processor. Great for transitions etc. But… I have an Aira MX-1 mixer and I really like the scatter effect (sorry), but to bring de mx-1 to the stage only for the scatter effect that I use occasionally… so I am trying to recreate that on the OT scenes with no luck. So I thought maybe the scooper does the trick (I dont have one) but with the scooper the scatter function doesnt work on audio thru. Some of you OT guru’s would brainstorm with me for this? I tried the delay freeze option on different delay times, but thats not really satisfying…
Did you try Retrig?
If you have an audio / video example of what you want…
ah yeah retrigger, never thought about that, how stupid. I did some things in the past with retrigger but never found that very handy and satisfying. Maybe fiddle a bit with the settings… thanks, gonna try it out…
The only thing is… i am using it with incoming audio, not with sampletriggers on the octatrack…
How about Echo Freeze Delay on master track ?
Edit : i must have read better…
Echo Freeze Delay Tutorial
How about recording MX-1 Scatter on every of your track and use the results as a sample somewhere… and when you want to … ? (second hand Kord Kaos Pad ?)
Record the incoming, prepare the effect with Start/Lengh parameter with cue, introduce then ?
Hi Will. Anyway it’s interesting to emulate an effect, I keep on that idea ; with incoming audio I think you need to use Recorders instead of Thru.
How about a combo Gate input signal + TAP CHORUS / GATEBOX
p-locking the gate parameter of the gatebox plate reverb ?
It works with incoming audio with Recorder Trigs for each beat (1/4). Place Trigs in a Flex and choose appropriate Recording Rx.
You can p-lock several settings to different scenes B if you want different musical values such 1 1/2 1/4 etc…
You can p-lock RTRG number to 1 in scene A and INF to B.
Well that is a pretty easy solution, maybe very usefull for now…
Great thinking! I will definatly try this! Maybe not really the scatter effect I need but it will be a great breaks effect!
Lets see, if I combine those two…