My Rytm distorts (periodically pops)

Hi, I got a problem with my Rytm where it periodically pops/plops every 30sec or so.
It’s a distorion plop quite soft, like a condendator discharge plop on an amplifier.
iit drives me mad as I’m not able to get rid of it
but it only appears once the sequencer is running, not when idle.
it appears both through analog outs as well as overbridge outs
it’s not clipping, the AR peaks at -16dB

Any thoughts?

Does it do it when you clear the Kit, if not, i’d start looking at the settings in the fx comp/dist/delay area

that idea may have made more sense if it was whether the seq was on or off - so maybe just check your pattern is empty too

if worried, always disconnect everything else, clear the pattern, clear the kit - rule it out as hardware and then backpedal to see where the issue lay

Maybe start a new project, and see if it happens again ?
If this is a case with a brand new project with defaults values, then it’s for sure an hardware issue.

so here is the thing
I hear it while monitoring in Cubase
when I capture the actual recording via Digicheck (AES in) it doesn’t get recorded
I don’t hear it via the HP out directly on the RYTM

but I do hear it periodically when playing in Cubase
on the AR "main"path or the BD path (got everything broken out into Cubase)
same for when monitoring via Overbridge either "main"or “BD”

ofcourse ran LatencyMon and no DCP spikes but do have hardpagefaults which are atributed to the Windows SVChost process.

this is what I think so far:

  • it’s not the RYTM (otherwise HP and recording should have it too)
  • It’s not cabling (as it happens on al signal paths)
  • it’s not the monitoring path, as it does not happen when idle or rytm is muted, or with other sources

but that’s also the weird thing, why does this only happen when playing the RYTM in DAW and only with the kick? (no matter what signal port) everything further is clean, nothing else in signal path.

Update: definately a Cubase 8.5.2 problem
When using only TotalmixFX, same signal path all is good.
When using Cantabelle (much lighter pluginhost / synchronizer) all is good.
Now I need to find out why Cubase is not playing ball

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