Native/Preloaded Samples

How do I load in the samples that come with the OT? I know, stupid basic question, but I have read that there’s a folder called “Elektron,” but I can’t find it. Anyone have the directory path to the native samples?


Stupid question, but did you buy new or secondhand? All we’re talking about is a mixed bag of samples from Loopmasters. You’re probably not missing too much at the end of the day.

Was s store demo I believe …

I checked back to the backup I made of what I believe (although I can’t be sure) was the CF card that was originally supplied with my OT. It had a set called PRESETS, within which was the audio pool, within which I had folders called ELEKTRON and LOOPMASTERS. The ELEKTRON folder has the samples used in the demo patterns, and the Loopmasters material was bonus material supplied with the Octatrack. You can see the folder structure when you connect the OT to a computer using USB.
What happens when you try ‘Assigning a sample to a machine’ as on page 20 of the manual?

What happens when you try ‘Assigning a sample to a machine’ as on page 20 of the manual?

Nothing consistent ever happens EVER when using this thing. It is the most obfuscated, inconsistent, frustrating UI I have ever had the displeasure of using. NOTHING makes sense…

I take a sample, then load the editor and save that sample, and name it. Now, I cannot HEAR the fucking sample at all. It will NOT load into a track. The whole structure, with buffers, tracks, etc none of which associate with anything makes this unit unbelievable un-intuitive to use. I am a minute away from putting it up for sale and buying a computer.

Where’s the venting forum , I need to give Elektron some fucking lessons on how to design a UI. And make a screen that can be read by normal humans not assisted by a telescope or something.

Every time I sit down with the OT is another 2 hours wasted … swear to fucking god.

You’ve already found it, look around.

baha… I hear you.
Once the OT has beaten you into obedience (or vice versa) it’s a fun thing to use. But I sure understand your frustration. just carve those little niche(s) you like and don’t try to grasp the whole thing at once. baby steps is the key…

oh and in regards to those pre loaded samples… well the only thing you miss out on is the MD kick drum. good luck