New Behringer EDGE semi-modular percussion synth

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Totally agree, it sucks. On the other hand if you don’t already have one you could get a “normal” TD-03 new or used and sell it again as they are so cheap. I was never interested in a TB-303 but got the TD and have a lot of fun with it. Even with that stupid sequencer :slight_smile:

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I find the A4 very good for synthesized drums, it’s one of my favorite machines and I am considering getting another one

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I keep hearing this, but you can just spend a few bucks on some Davies and slap em onto the pots. There’s plenty of room in between the pots. Problem solved.

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What I mean by “seriously” is: are you the type of person who cares about how Moog is doing? No judgement here, btw. If B can do almost the same thing for a third of the price, its worth considering.

Oh yes, I have supported Moog quite a lot in the past, Moog makes good products, I just never were able to afford a Model D, but I guess I wish the Moog synths I owned in the past would sound like the Model D, and I honestly thought that there wouldn’t be that much of a difference. But yeah, the conclusion for me was that I apparently am not too much into that modern Moog sound, I like unstable and creamy it seems :slight_smile:

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I don’t understand why people get so upset about the DFAM not having reset, this, that… bla… there is always a workaround for everything, specially in euroland. What I love the most about the DFAM is its modular approach: isolate the voices by sequencing them externally through the pitch / velocity /trigger patch points and use the internal sequencer for something else. This is my workaround for not having reset. One of my favorite tricks is using euclidean rhythms with the DFAM and quantizing the pitch CV to play another voice. It is quite annoying seeing people complaining about limitations instead of getting creative.

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Aye. I’m not even a euro head, and I don’t find it particularly difficult to push the DFAM beyond the default 8 step riff machine territory. Yeah you do need some other (semi)modular gear and/or a sequencer with gate/cv I/O to get there, but I would expect this to be known when buying a device like this? I generally either use the built-in sequencer (I prefer to see it an 8-step modulator) unclocked as a “preset bank” that is stepped through via trigs from another sequencer or clocked as offsets for external modulation. My Korg SQ-64 pairs nicely with the DFAM for trigs/modulation and further modulation is added via LFOs etc. from other semis that I have. Quite simple, nothing fancy. And having to reset manually after each stop doesn’t bother me.

That being said, I can totally understand why the (slightly) less old-school approach with MIDI that the Edge offers is more attractive to some users. And the lower price is hard to beat of course. But I have yet to hear something that gives me same “oh yeah” feeling that I got when listening to DFAM demos before I bought one. We’ll see (hear) once it’s released.


I still love the DFAM - it’s a capital-I Instrument in my book - but a reset input would expand its standalone potential dramatically. I often use a simple SQ-1 to sequence it, which drives this point home despite the SQ not even having reset - because you can skip steps, or manually jump. It’s not a disaster - and I can understand the design choice, given that the DFAM is not a sequencer - but if I was cloning the DFAM adding a reset input for both lanes would be top of my list of changes. Whether I’d sacrifice any of the existing inputs for this is a harder question to answer…

Ultimately, just as with the lack of MIDI, I look at the DFAM and think well, it’s a classic piece of kit despite these apparent failings, so perhaps they’re not failings at all.

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Collected up these two good questions scattered hither and thither across the Forum with a recent “answer” by Todd Smith.

Todd Smith speculates here, but he doesn’t know either.

Good answer, “Lost in Time !”

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in a German Forum someone posted that Behringer responded to a Facebook question reagrding the Edge. It’s finished and waiting for chips to start production.

Let’s see when that will be.


Beyond Good and Evil

New one hour demo by bonedo

Sounds boring(er) to me. Just makes me gas for the DFAM again lol. Thanks for nothing, Uli.

test in german language from bonedo is now 404. but it was saying nothing that wasn’t already known.

however, i have now enough synths that can do what the dfam does, but with full midi control. :relieved:

presumably a matter of the taste of the tester. dfam can sound boring, too.


Fair enough. I just thought they would stumble upon a few interesting sounds in a one hour video. I checked out their 5 min DFAM video afterwards and it had a lot more going on. But I do hope that I’m wrong, I’ll wait for other demos.

there was a few seconds with a good sound and groove in the middle, but the person immediality turned the knobs and destroyed it :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like also had a test online this morning which included a good video comparison between DFAM and Edge and was taken down again as well. Seems like these articles were published a little to early for Behringer :grimacing:

To me it seemed they can sound very similar on some settings, but in general the Edge sounds sharper and can’t really replicate the DFAM when it comes to low end kick and bass sounds…