New Digitone owner

awesome! Yeah getting a Heat and Boum next year would be fun additions to my studio setup. I will look at a new drum synth late next year maybe Rytm, Perkons or Herbs and Foam Gentle Wham.

Just learned about the DFAM thing yesterday which seems to solve all problems resulting from strange design decisions with the DFAM (like length of sequnce fixed to 8 steps) and it can sync, too.

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The DT sounds much better than the OT and can replace it for many applications (except all that live looping and processing stuff and techniques involving the fader). Now that DT has a great song mode it can take over. However, the Rytm contains a DT and it has drum sets, which can be exchanged quickly and changes in the set are immediately present in all patterns that use the set.

I don’t think it is necessary to use all boxes at once. They are different and each box leads to different creative ideas. DN, DT and ST are similar enough to change over quickly.

I like the ST a lot and I like the sound of the DT (for me it was not possible to reproduce that great reverb/delay with the Analog Keys).

If you get ST+DT you won’t need the Rytm. If you decide for the Rytm you don’t need DT; and Rytm contains at least the analog versions of the ST instruments and the rest can be achieved with your DN.

So DN+DT+ST or DN+Rytm.

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If you know DT and Rytm - a new ST will be covered and tamed within 3 days of hyperfocus :wink:


Agree and I don’t like using too many synths at one time. I’m quite happy with just DT and AH. I did buy a Roland SP404 MK2 sampler and few other toys on sale to mix things up a bit. Gear is not cheap but far less than flying aircraft and scuba diving!

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My buddy sold his Soma Pulsar to get a Syntakt so I’m looking forward to checking it out. Other than the large size, Rytm is great fun. I still want one but no sales on them yet. I scored deals on the DT and AH so those were no brainers.

How about a second Digitone? I’ve been thinking about that. One for percussion and one for melody. I have an OT for samples.

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Personally, I feel like once you have three Elektrons with such a variety of capabilities like that, you’re starting to get into diminishing returns when you add on, especially if you don’t have a particular application in mind and just want the next thing.

An OT, A4 and DN 
 that’s a LOT of sound generation, processing and sequencing power you have there.


True but I rather get something different. Right now having four Elektron boxes is plenty. Workflow is similar so it’s easier with same ecosystem.

That’s weird . The whole thing is a „spiritual“ resp. mental/emotional experience so to say.

Others collect cars. Or art. Or NFTs :joy::grimacing:. Others hunt the perfect 303 sound. Others just hunt (requires expensive gear). Others party hard, spend their money on expensive vacations, even just deliberately lose it at slot machines in Vegas (what is spent in Vegas, stays in Vegas). Or buy jewelry for their spouse. Others become preppers and/or invest time and money in a HAM radio license. Others just by stocks.

If there would be collectors or even hoarders among us - why judge? Why think this should lead to a product? Or that there would be a rationality in buying some machines but not too many? It is, at a whole, not rational. If one really only wants to produce songs, of course FL or some of the free DAWs or cheap apps would suffice. Nobody would have to buy Elektron gear at all, or TE stuff.

If one visits a person who has some pieces of original art and asks about opinions what to buy next (a, b, c), would one answer: „How many hours have you looked at the existing pieces? You should master looking at those pictures first. And what you have now, like a Gerhard Richter, a Gursky, a Monet (
) covers it already. Go, watch your money numbers on the bank account.“ :wink:

You know what? I’m going to buy „the last SYNTRX 1“ - will have to write some bills for already finished and delivered project but that’s worth it. Thanks for the motivation push :sweat_smile::rofl::wink: (or should I just sell one of the machines that have become ever more valuable since bought decades ago? :thinking:)

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That’s why I started with the word “personally”. It’s just my perspective and opinion. Everyone has their own passions and reasons for buying or not buying gear. YMMV. :slight_smile:

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Sorry. :grinning::smirk: Guess you weren’t the person meant. The post was just the releaser, not the cause. Didn’t want to criticize a person but question general patterns of interaction and your post was the last in that direction after similar ones above. đŸ«€ It just seems to happen in “every second” thread and helps neither, IMO. :peace_symbol::v::wink:

Anyway, :bulb:should have written more generally and not as a direct response to a specific post. :memo: :neutral_face: please accept my apologies if my remarks lead to the impression of being unjustly attacked.


No problem, and no offense taken. I do get where you’re coming from and I took your post as a good expression of your ideas and perspectives. :cool:

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It varies from each person’s neeeds, budgets, goals and desire. Like why do some people have 10 cars, 50 purses and 20 pairs of shoes? I needed another sampler and mixer and like my battery powered Rolands and OP-1. Do I need it? Tech I no since software plug-ins do some function like this and I have OT but they are not battery powered and portable except the laptop.

Ask folks on modwiggler why they have over 100k in eurorack and walls of modular. That’s a way more expensive rabbit hole to make music based on my experience. But it’s relaxing and fun! And still cheaper than hookers and street drugs .

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That myth has been debunked

Another new Digitone user here, and my first exposure to using an Elektron sequencer.

I wasn’t expecting a steep learning curve for the basics, but I was actually surprised how quick it was to get to grips with.

I was a little thrown by updating the firmware after spending a day or two with the shipped version - but somehow my fingers know how to find the menu that has been replaced by the song mode screen, even if my brain doesn’t.

Does anyone have any recommendations for some more high level introductory tutorials? I like the style of Cuckoo’s and Jeremy’s from scratch ones where you can follow along and make something
 I’m not quite ready to deep dive on any particular techniques yet.


Dave Mech has a good video and cheat sheet on Digitone I think.

Thanks for the reminder re the cheat sheet, have been meaning to check it out.

I just spent the last 2 hours listening to the same pattern on repeat while working
. I made a fairly busy pattern and set the tempo high and all the tracks probability to pretty low. Dialling in the delay repeats made it all sound pretty cruisy and changing up enough to not get too bored.

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Yeah I’m going to grab his chest sheet. Really like the Digitone and Analog Heat combo it’s techno magic combo for me.

Yeah, looking forward to trying it out with the heat, and the Vermona Perfourmer in particular sequenced from and returning into DN ext inputs.

I would love some basic high and low pass filters and eq on the DNs external inputs as well, just to deal with any mudiness that can’t be controlled on the source.

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