New machine for Mnm

In my opinion there is a big gap in MnM synth machine ,in the field of synchable osc (pitch track) and ring modulated osc.
What we have seems to me quite useless.
Did they forgot something in the MnM

It’s different, granted, but in the right hands it’s an amazing tool.
Listen to iPassenger & dig up some of tIBs stuff :slight_smile:

I think they’d do better to apply some of their recent analog research to bring the VA on the Mono up to snuff. Certainly the weakest machine in the box.

Meh. I dunno… like all synths, the MnM has it’s own character. If you like the A4 better, then get an A4 and be happy.

That said, I wouldn’t mind if Elektron extended the MnM as long as they didn’t remove any existing features / machines. I don’t really have any issues with the current machines in the MnM. What I’d really like is to have a ‘reload kit’ button combo like the MachineDrum has. :slight_smile:

I’ve found the MNM definitely grows on you, it’s a seriously deep machine & it requires effort to get the most out of it.
As for extending it, I doubt it! I think it’s maxed to hilt?

Even if they improved the VA on the MNM, I don’t see it really covering the same territory as the A4. The sequencer is different, and given all the “VA vs. true analog” debates on the net, there is obviously a different character to VA, regardless of how good it is. Still, given that the Mono is ten years old and Elektron have since started making analog gear, I don’t see why they couldn’t apply some of that knowledge to improving those machines. I find the SID machine gives much better analog sounds.

Anyhow, I also say this because I believe it have read here that the Mono doesn’t have a whole lot of room in the OS to add new machines. So it seems more likely that they would tweak the code on the existing machines, and design new hardware for new synthesis methods.

I wish there was a “Reload” option like on the MD as well, more than anything else. That, and Ctrl-Al/Ctrl-8, and wow…it would be a whole new world. I’m determined to finally get into Lemur programming this year primarily to find a way to do just that, but I’m a ways away from accomplishing anything of note in that category.

Useless? Ha! I think you just need to get to know the machine better.

Apparently, the current OS of the MnM uses all available space. No room for any add-ons. They’d have to removed something, in order to put something new in, and that would piss way too many people off. The MnM is what it is - a digital monster with a big heart and quirky brain! I love that is isn’t like other synths.

I said “weakest”, not “useless”. There is a difference in meaning there. And my Mono has basically been an extra appendage to me since I got it. I love it and can always explore it further, but it isn’t a case of not exploring it deeply, just noting a spot for improvement.

I find my newly acquired MnM really unique and I love it. It is a pretty deep machine and I’ve only just scratched the surface. I have an A4 and a bunch of vintage analogs so it’s digital character is really refreshing to me.

FreeFall may have clicked on the reply to your post button, but they were likely talking to xrizna :slight_smile:

Happens to me all the time, people just click the reply arrow to the last post vs the general reply button :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ask for a pitch tracking synced osc in a synth is too much, sorry.
Dsp do it somewhere else.

I read this too late ,next time I ll reply in right way.

higlhy probable that dsp are full and there is no room for high demand oversampled osc

I think what they are saying is the available memory for the operating system is full, meaning there’s not a lot Elektron can do with it anymore. No new machines, and maybe not even modding existing machines. After ten years I don’t even know what amount of code optimization would be left to get a little more space.
But they could always surprise us.

the biggest thing i find lacking is that you can’t “resample” to create your own digiwaves in the machine itself. that, or let us “draw” them similar to the octa’s midi arp.

imo there are a lot of cool sounds still in there , but i don’t spend that much time digging because it (loading waveforms) doesn’t feel like a creative part of using the machine itself. personally, i’d give up sysex transfers or maybe even the multi env to squeeze that in there.

about the OS being full:

the current OS, minus some bugs, feels pretty “done” to me.

i think it’d be fun to have remake/remodel OSes. the hardware is still great. of all the machines, i think it has my favorite ergonomics. think about like, the Oto machines biscuit/der oto or JJOS versions. one of my favorite softwares of the year, permut8 has “hacked” firmwares you can load.

i feel, if anything, with the release of the a4, the monomachine would be a cool playground for even more out there digital synthesis. i mean, you can already get some some nice physical modeling type sounds with the delays and effects in a feedback loop, so i know the software is capable. you can get really nice sounds by stacking tracks, why not attempt a “proper” additive synth? i’ve been digging on synths like bitwiz and chip sounds that use simple formulas to make sounds. you could set it up so each track is part of the “formula” or something. see here: l The DNA synth recently added to the OP1 that’s unique to the individual’s hardware is a neat idea too.

the monomachine is awesome in it’s versatility, if nothing ever changed it’d be fine by me, but i’d enjoy seeing one idea taken to extremes sat the expense of others (as long as you can switch it up). call it monomania for the monomachine. :slight_smile:

Sorry Accent! I was replying to the OP by Xrizna. KrisM was right about my hitting the wrong reply button. Cheers!

Are there any hacked firmware / OSs available for any of the Elektron gear?

I was blown away by what Magic Lantern did for the Canon 5Dmk2 camera, and I remember there were custom MPC operating systems floating around.

Anything out there?

As already written above, the Mnm is already enhanced to the max. But what you can still do, is use the user wavetables to bring in the sounds you miss. Try around with this. Amazing things are possible, E.g.: pseudo polyphony on one track.

the Monomachine IS the Monomachine … there’s already a lot to dig into, i would look at other Elektron’s machines for other features :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: or … Elektron could come up with an ‘all-in-one’ box to please everyone :joy:

I really love the MnM but please,if possible, a few sequencer/arp tweaks would rock my world. Namely. length per track and P.Lockable Arp