New Machines for your machine

Thanks but I don’t use Overbridge. I can’t stand computers anymore and it seems reciprocal.

So I don’t mind naming in ST.

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Hi, Short question concerning SY RAW machine:

When I put that machine on an analog track and hit its trig, it sounds literally endless. So I have to tame it by lowering all holds, decays and sustains I can find on its pages, e.g. AMP page.

Do you experience the same behavior?

If you put it on track 9 or 10, you need to change the envelope from AHD (the one best-suited to drums) to ADSR (the better one for synths) on the second AMP page


I’d set envelope mode to ADSR
(Writing at the same time as @Humanprogram)


a single track RAW, nothing else. direct audio :wink:


That is FILTHY! :heart_eyes:

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So Syntakt Days are over without any new videos or so.
So two new melodic machines. I like them. But isn‘t it more kind of a drummachine? :thinking:

It’s got portamento. Not many drum machine with this out there ^^


Written on it :
Syntakt : Drum Computer & Synthesizer. :wink:

So it’s both, that’s why I bought it after selling DT and DN.

It can be 100% synth machine.
Even analog Cymbal machine can be used as a synth (Cowbell = 2 squares).


:heart_eyes: :joy:

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I see this here and there… There seems to be some confusion around the term “Synthesizer”. In the audio world, a synthesizer is an instrument that produces sounds by using synthesis method; whether or not this sound can be then used to play a melody is a different thing.

Syntakt has both drum oriented synthesis “machines” and melodic oriented synthesis machines (but they are not limited to that, as all “drum” machines can be played chromatically and the melodic ones can be used to produce drum sounds). But in the end, know that all the machines, regardless if they are in the drum or melodic category, are producing their sound by way of synthesis. :slight_smile:


You mentioned this a few times, but I didn’t find an analog cowbell machine in my Syntakt :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s available on track 12 only, right bellow the CY machines.


omg I am used to ignore the “CY” and “SY” prefix and never saw the “CB” facepalm


… however, those two have some kind of “hard wired” strong high pass filter on them (?), so fat kicks or basses they don’t :wink:
But screaming noises they could …

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You got 2 new square oscs for free ! More a narrow pulse btw, not sure you’ll be able to do huge kicks with it…:content:


Maybe not huge, but it’s somewhat possible! First is T12 solo, then routed through FX track’s drive and then with FX track’s high pass filter.

Also with the metallic one:


Where is my cowbell ?
More cowbells ! :content:

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With MD cow bells only (and a couple voice samples) I did this track:

OK, ST bells might not shine as much as MD’s, but we have a challenge ^^


Other Cowbell challenge organised by @darenager.
OT Science Lab - 1 year study - 11 - More Cowbell :cb:

Octatrack, from a cowbell sample only.

