New Octatrack onwer, sets and file management question

Yeah, one set for now then. Not sure if there may be a reason to use another set for a live situation where I do a lot of live sampling and resampling and want to save all that together. It seems like samples (including from the record buffers) can be saved directly into the project folder?

Unrelated thing that kept messing me up today. I was triggering samples using the 9-16 trig keys, but kept thinking I was also selecting the track for editing parameters like on the Digitakt, but actually that’s done with the track buttons like on the Analog 4. So I’d change some parameters and trigger the sample again, and then be like “I can’t hear any difference” only to realize I was screwing things up on a different track. Then I was wondering why I triggering the track trigs 1-8 wasn’t doing anything, and then poked around here and online and in the manual and discovered “plays free” Woah man, this thing is NUTS!

project menu >> system >> personalize has this option.

in the project menu you can also use “collect samples” to move any sample from the AUDIO pool into the project folder which you should do before you move samples or folders in the AUDIO folder (because it will break projects if samples used by projects move).

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Ah, another thing I was wondering about with regard to organizing a file structure on the CF card.

So in theory does your song then take the sample from the project folder rather then the audio pool (changes the link etc)

a project will look in its own directory for a sample before it looks in the AUDIO folder.

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Cool. Will have to remember to do this