New product from Arturia? [DrumBrute]

Give it a year and you’ll probably be able to get one of these for $350. I’m a patient man. :content:


My thoughts exactly. And then… anyone complaining about it at $350 deserves a ________ !

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I’m sure it probably won’t compare to the Vermona in terms of build quality. But from the videos I’ve watched, the DB sounds comparable. I owned a DRM-1 mkIII for a couple of years. It’s built like an absolute tank. I loved the high-hats, snare, and clap. But some of the sounds were simply too metallic and zappy for my tastes. The kick was… okay. But a lot of people love 'em. This DB sounds very similar to the DRM-1 mkIII, imo. But much cheaper and with more features. 17 voices, sequencer, etc. I think if someone wants “that type of sound” then these two will be up for a duel. Buyer will have to decide based on build quality, extra features, price, etc.

Maybe in a few months somebody could buy the DRM-1 used and this DB used. Sequence the DRM-1 with the DB and have a fantastic time! I think they would blend really well.

Damn, now I’m thinking about buying another Vermona. I still have the desktop rack I placed the Vermona in. I had a Push down below it to sequence. Move the Push out for DB, layer the sounds, and you have a cool desktop setup with tons of hands-on tweaking and fun.

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I preordered one

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For the price the DrumBrute is a steal. I guess it just depends on whether you’re into the analog sound and want “another” analog drum machine.

The TR-09 is wicked btw. I can honestly say it’s the sound and experience I’ve been looking for for a long time.

I’ve posted some audio and video in the 9.09 day thread.

The TB-03 is pretty gnarly as well…

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At a price of $500 or less, highly unlikely.

Unless you want to call a Microbrute a Minimoog killer


I have my yocto to hold me down until then


Nice! You assembled it yourself?

No someone else did the assembling for me. He did a great build. Once he does Nava builds i will also bite and get one.


The tanzbar just has the worst interface of any drum machine in the history of the world ever. But sounds awesome and grooves and shakes like a funk queen. Download the ‘manual’ for a taste of obscurity. Read it again, scratch your head. Read it ten times, wonder WTF were they thinking.


Funk doesn’t think. Funk only does.


the price and features make this one rather tempting. As for the sound, I really need to go to a shop to try for myself before I can be sure about it.

With such a low pricetag, I have some doubts regarding the engineering though. The output stage might be a bit nasty, as is sometimes the case with these “entry-level” priced products nowadays.

Having said that, IMO the snare sounds quite usable!

You mean like noisy, distorted,?

I think the noise is what he means. To have a drum machine you can plug in your mixing desk without noise or hiss or worth more than one with noise. I was one of the first adopters of the TherapSID and the early batch had noise issues. It was great in the beginning when I was making raw aggressive music, but eventually it became a nuisance. I shipped it back to twisted electrons and he fixed it now it’s much better. That’s a boutique instrument too.

At this price point I think the machine might do that.

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I think this combined with my MDUW+ and Volcabeats will be fantastic. I was looking into trading my MD for a Rytm, but I think just picking up a DrumBrute will give me enough sounds and sequencing power (plus resampling into the MD) to really have a killer drum setup.


yes not a bad idea in your case.

How much did you pay for it ?

And for nava ?

I tend to think compromised outputstage to be noisy, prone to distortions (especially in the high frequencies) and clipping big/fast transients. Power supplies and amplifiers in circuits need special care to avoid these pitfalls, and that usually means more expensive builds (unless geniuses are involved).

However, sometimes this can also sound pleasing to the ear, it all depends on context.

In any case, I’m eager to test this new brute out!

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The microbrute has a nice clean output why wouldn’t the brumbrute?

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Honestly I think Arturia has a great advantage over other synth manufacturers. Arturia can afford a slimmer profit margin because of the profits made from their soft synth line. This company is providing great products at reasonable prices. I see that as a winning formula. Just look at the success of their brute series! It’s crazy success for a company who just entered the analog synth world.