New soundbanks

Hey everybody,

 I've loaded my own sounds into the rytm with no problem in the past, only this time I'm getting a "Midi in will not allocate" message when using C6. I've searched every trouble shooter online, and I have followed each step.

created a new project

the midi ports set to USB

created a new directory and listed it as the load dir.

checked all the boxes in C6 and selected Rytm as the machine, hit configure…

“Midi in will not allocate”

The manual is really vague, is anyone else keen to this problem, and solution?

not sure tbh - but dbl-check OB mode is off

That’s not it!! It’s frustrating because the A4 is still recognized but the AR won’t… grrr… I just bought some new soundpacks too!

Figured it out finally!!!

Of all things I had bought a new wireless mouse and just simply had to unplug it during the install.

Computers are funky sometimes. Thanks.