New Syntakt Machine Predictions

Definitely a “SY Strings”, complete with a built-in stereo dim-d chorus! I know, pretty much impossible, but one can dream.


More cowbell?


A sample player would be my main wish for the ST. :blush:

So elektron can sell even less digitakts and Model:Samples, great idea :smiley:

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:wink: Just a limited thing - like on the old Roland samplers. If they gave me 2 seconds of sample playback time, I’d love it.

that‘s sy swarm, it can sound like real life string section, eminent strings or juno, depending on the settings.


I’d be extremely surprised if they added any sort of sample support. From a dev perspective that seems like a big lift.

Oh for sure, it just needs at least 4 voice polyphony. But why not make it 6. And I’m actually okay with paraphonic topology, which basically means the current chord with different assignment algo and (admittedly much) different wavetable.

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Hihats, and Karplus.

Yes. I basically want Fors Pluck as a machine.


I can’t bear this sound anymore, indeed.
Love the graphics though ^^
MD hats on ST would be pretty cool.


Those machines actually give me tinnitus.


Is that the one that’s based on model:cycles, anyone ?

…mentioned this already here or there…

for totally new kind of machine predictions, i’d love to see the implementation of insert fx machines, in a neighbourtrack concept/fashion…
always be able to use/abuse the next following track as an insert fx slot where u can load some additional fx gimmick machine u choose from another little collection of various new fx machines which treat exclusively that sound generating machine u loaded to that one track before…

at least for the 8 digi tracks, i don’t see any problem why not…


Yes, that was called “Metal”.

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I love that UFO, it’s so cute! :slight_smile:

It’s not the only machine I really dislike.
Sy Bits can do everything (Kicks, Hihats, Snares, Toms, Strings, Basses, Plucks …), since it’s build like a Monophonic synth. It’s a genius thing.
In comparison to that, Carbon and Toys can do almost nothing. I almost forgot they exist :stuck_out_tongue:

Sy Bits and Swarm really stick out in versatility and sound.

I know I said it many times, but the only thing that is painfully missing are metallic/somewhat realistic hihats and cymbals, like the tr909’s. Not as samples, but as synthesis.


They are more limited than the others but still great :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I want 909 hats too. Sample or synthesis, I’m not picky. Oh and 909 ride too :grin:

Yes! My vote also for Karplus stuff, at least if can lead to inharmonic sounds.


you know if it would be synthesis, it can be ride, china, crash, hihat, splash, … :wink:


It all depends on how close it can get. I haven’t met a synth that could synthesize 909 cymbals to my liking but I never had a MD.

Right now I seem to favor filtering the white noise with the resonance peaking around that 909 magic zone. Only really works for a closed hat.