New Synth: Roland Sh-4d

I said neither “strange” nor “wrong” when describing the differences. But this behavior definitely isn’t ideal when jamming on slowly evolving songs like I prefer to do on the Syntakt. Doesn’t mean it can’t or hasn’t been done though.

The same issue applies there. These automations will reset/repeat each 4 bars and if you’re building out a longer song, it gets messy really quickly.

The obvious solution here is to sequence the SH-4d with another sequencer as that would take care of all of these issues. But my comments and analysis has revolved around the question of whether this might be a viable groovebox for jamming song performances live while recording into eg YouTube. And for that use case, the Syntakt is undeniably superior, in my opinion.

You’re obviously acting like that behavior is problematic? It isn’t, that how most grooveboxes are expected to work.

But there is no issue at first place. If you build up a longer song then don’t record automations on that specific control, the value of the control will be whatever value you’re tweaking in real time. Of course one expects the device to play the automation back as it was recorded.


That’s exactly what I wanted to know as those are the two Boutiques that always appealed to me. Thanks.

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This is one thing I like about the Electribe EMX-1. Once you’ve created a song you can record automations (or mutes or additional drum hits) across the whole song. It’s like an additional automation layer that overrides existing pattern automations. I wish the Elektrons had that. I think this really goes to show that you are not going to find the perfect groovebox. Some will have features you like but will be missing stuff other boxes can do. You just have to work each box to get the best out of what it does offer.


I’m not acting, the problem I’m describing is problematic for my use cases and I think I’m better qualified to talk about my needs than you are. I’ve played and jammed with grooveboxes for years, this isn’t a right or wrong thing even though you seem to make it out to be. It’s a matter of preference.

… for you. Glad you see no issues with it.


Yeah that sounds like a great implementation. And indeed, there’s no perfect groovebox. :blush:

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check those comparison clips, some show a massive difference to the original…

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I don’t get all these arguments about the sequencer, why can’t a synth just be a synth?

It seems like no matter what get released now, it’s “where’s the song mode”, “why can’t I load samples”, “why doesn’t this do literally everything I want?”

I’d prefer specialism and focus on one area, over a jack of all trades but watered down approach


The manual isn’t entirely clear to me on the pattern scale options. I see it’s possible to set per part, but if it were possible per drum part/instrument too, that would at least let you do a fill after 8 bars etc. It’s certainly no dealbreaker for me, I’ve already preordered, but would be sweet.

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And if it could do everything then it will be “too much menu diving” or “too complicated to operate”.

You make a valid point here. The device is not even for sale yet and there are already more complaints than praises here.

I’d say it is a very nice compact synthesizer, especially for the money, with a more than adequate sequencer for quick ideas and sketches. And it looks nice too!


op-z has endless encoders. Maybe op-1 also? (Don’t need know, never used one).

doesnt sound at all like the famous hoover sound :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

(but for sure it is possible on this device.)




That’s pretty typical, tbh. An unfortunate and seemingly inevitable consequence of forums.


Yeah. A bit weird and very funny how this thread becomes more about syntakt than sh-4d, and then descends into group-arguing about each individuals dream groovebox :joy: But I guess this is what happens in a discussion on the internet with a product you can’t actually use yet.

Same thing happened on Korg drumlogue thread. People were beside themselves with how bad they thought it was based on a video and some specs. Serious piling on :sweat_smile: Then drumlogue was available and the people who actually got it and use it quite like it.

But I see some drumlogue-regret now this has launched :laughing: and so the world keeps turning…

Edit: what @m0ld said.


… on an Elektron fan forum. Yes, very strange indeed :exploding_head:


I just preordered :+1:t2:


Yes! Many focus on things they don’ t like or fully understand and not on new opportunities.
Give a skilled musician a triangle instrument and he/she/it will create a complete symphony. :wink:


I can’t find the comment, but regarding the concerns of certain people not being with Elektron anymore.

Sy Bits and Swarm should be proof enough that whoever is doing it now, is more than capable. I actually like the direction A LOT more than those of the older DIGI and Model digital machines.

Especially Swarm is a stroke of genius.