New Teenage Engineering CM–15

no elephant, no room. just one appropriately priced product.


What worries me is the built-in battery, that’s going to die eventually. I have no experience with TE products, would they replace that in 5 or 10 years for a modest fee?

No, that’s neither new nor uncommon, here are a few other examples

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Wow, so If I create a thread about a brand new Behringer device, with “no criticism please” in the title then all critiques will get flagged as “off topic”? It’s too easy.


Looks pretty nice!

I would take mostly any AA powered dedicated field recorder over this tbh; easily swappable batteries, stereo, can plug in a line/mic source, they’re generally USB interfaces too these days.



The tula sounds really great, has noise reduction, and it records… Hey, that’s like 5 TE products in one!!


The new beyer dynamix pro X headphones uses mini XLR as well.


If you don’t think we can discuss the price of this mic in a civil fashion, then we probably shouldn’t be discussing TE products at all.


Can‘t agree more with the criticism of trying to block out the discussion of price & value. What the hell?!

That said, if the mic sounds good, has a unique signature and is made of high quality components, with all those features, for once TE‘s pricing wouldn‘t be outrageous. A great mic can easily cost twice of what they are asking for this one. I like the apparent innovation with this mic.


Yeah mini XLR has been around for a while, it’s used on various things but quite often with professional field recorders. I’d actually love to see Zoom or someone do a cheaper handheld recorder that incorporates a bunch of mini XLR inputs, as it would save so much space compared to big XLR. I guess it’s not common because consumers might be miffed or confused about how to connect their mics, even though the cables/connectors are quite cheap and readily available.

This is absolutely marketed at deep pocketed content creators and there are a lot of those (and will continue growing) so if it does a good job it’ll be a hit. It undeniably looks much better than those massive black mics you see everywhere; retro disc jockey vibes.

And no fiddling with another device (interface)? This is smart.

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Im not particularly interested in CM-15 (waiting for the TP-7) but did own the tula mic which i sadly was not impressed with.

It didnt sound great to me, it had a very typical usb mic sound which is fine if you are doing podcasting but that was not my intended purpose

The noise reduction was pretty great though when it worked, but only available in usb mode
which is were its value disappears, as you realise its just a built in version of an £15 app called Brusfri, which does the exact same thing for ANY recordings…

The recording function was really poor, its embarrassing to market it as a field recorder imo. Mono only, only 16bit, terrible screenless interface which made me quickly ignore it as a field recorder entirely. Would be interested to know if anyone truly uses it as a recorder tbh

Build quality, size and design were truly great though and im sure its the main reason it is seeked out in the first place, but i just dont think its a great mic/recorder at all. But to each is own.

It would be interesting to know how the CM-15 stacks up against more expensive mics like the $11k Telefunken ELA M 251E (also available as a stereo set, presumably at at least twice the price).

I’ve avoided spending more than $100 on a mic at once because I’m aware that new studio mics can easily get into low five figures, and vintage mics can go well beyond that. Price is absolutely a consideration for me - If the CM-15 is a $5k mic at $1k, that’s very interesting, if still above my current mic budget. But if it’s a $100 mic wearing a Savile Row suit, then I’ll wait until my music merits such things.

Just an FYI, the person who made this this thread isn’t a mod. So I see no reason why everyone is listening to the no money talk bullshit in this subject line. We should be able to talk about whatever we want as long as it’s civil. It is impossible to talk about this product without talking about the price and there is no point in a forum of like minded people discussing a product you can buy without discussing the cost of said product.


Ok, 'nuff talk. Bring the OP-Z field or bust.


at 6x less expensive it is a great option

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I think you would really have to like the form factor in order to want to buy this thing over like a good field recorder + nice studio condenser mic. If the small size and this aesthetic are important to you I can see some people wanting it, but it’s pretty niche. For an on-the-go field recording source probably any current field recorder would be preferable, and SDCs are generally fine for voice or instrument use in that context anyway.


We’ll see how it performs in comparison to
Neumann or DPA

together with a nice fieldrecorder

P.S. two CM-15 seem to be a bargain if you look at their prices.


Looks cool as hell but I have a thing for mics. Interested to hear real examples!


Someone should design a table to go with it.