New Teenage Engineering products

As expected

I don’t always respond but if they keep coming back to beat the dead horse and torture themselves I’ll occasionally spar with em

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What do you mean?

I don’t rate the importance of music gear based on how expensive it is, but if you really want to know what I consider the most “valuable” music gear, then to me it’s quite simple.

First and foremost I consider analogue recording of vital importance, so that means a tape-based multitrack recorder for starters (and I have plenty). But what use is genuine analogue multitrack recording and EQ if you have nothing to record to it?

So for instrumentation I suppose I’d go for the most powerful physical modeling hardware synth out there, therefore one of the Aodyo Anyma synthesizers. So in reality, I’m guessing that’s not quite what you was expecting after all, was it?

Feel free to spar with me all you like, I never get bored, nor, being an adult do I cry troll just because I don’t agree with someone else’s opinion.

You’re overthinking it, it’s a genuine question: as a hardware developer what expensive hardware do you think has value or returns on the price we pay?

The hardware you listed that impressed you was all quite inexpensive.


l was actually invited, but as a part-time reviewer, I feel I’d be too biased. Now I’m just confused instead :sweat_smile:


I’m not falling for that, because you’re effectively biasing the outcome using something that everyone seeks to avoid by default, that being “expense” :smile:

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Has there been any official word of this TP-7 from TE?

Or is the only thing so far that registration diagram thingy from the other day?


Yeah thinks its all based on that so far

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Ah okey dokey, cheers.

Might mute this thread for a few months!

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I can’t recall…do you still have an OP1? is there anything you’re dreaming or hoping this will add to your setup? this question is really open to anybody considering the TP7

Yesterday I was mulling over what hidden bonus features it might unlock when paired with OP1F, OB4 or TX6

I can already imagine TX faders giving quick control over levels via ble midi or using TP7 to cast audio to OB4…but I wonder if OP1F will trade “tapes” with it somehow?

Also, selfishly since I don’t have any of those except the TX mixer, will TE unveil any special links to legacy gear? I care most about the OG1 and OPZ (i’ve always thought it would be cool to treat midi from Z the same as audio currently is in OP tape mode)


If it’s a digitally, tapey multitracky, field recordery thing, defo sounds interesting. And I’m excited to see if they throw in any crazy stuff, but yeah I’ll wait until there’s a little more details released about it.


Saying that, an 8 or 12 track thing with effects and such might be pretty nice.


Yep, still got it, use it every day.

Really, I’d just like the tape part brought to the next level. More tracks, eq per track, fx routing, more projects - a porta with TX-6 quality and OP-1 tape design.


Yeeeeeah this has me really excited cause I think the ideas are doable and they could use their existing products as a springboard for all of it

I’m also hopeful that if they waited this long to try shipping OP1 tape on it’s own that there’s good reason…they got something up their collective sleeves with TP7


Hi kids we’re home early


Yes, a midi-synced multitrack tape recorder would be amazing. Especially when combined with a mic for field recording too. I am way mire excited by this than the mixer. The mixer looks great too, I just don’t need it.


Missing you already, my friend!

Is it just me or am I right to sense that my posts are somewhat incompatible with the TE-loving crowd? But fear not, I shall now depart this strange but interesting thread in so far as posting goes, although I’ll still be around, watching for the giggles, wondering what TE will sell next.

Disturbing the TE-Worshippers has proven quite an ordeal, I only asked about the multitrack :grimacing:

Hmmmm, it was just a simple question. Sure ideas like cheap or expensive are relative, but absolutely some gear costs more than others. Im just asking of the higher cost music equipment, which do you think, as a hardware developer, offers a good return of music making value?

Well within your rights to not answer though, but I thought you liked to spar?

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I haven’t read your posts. I was more getting at how all the conjecture before any kind of anouncement seems slightly premature.

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Not only.

And then went on to argue in bad faith using red herrings all the while ignoring solid counterarguments.

We’re not TE worshipers (see our discussion around the table). We just recognize good gear when we see it, no matter who it’s made by.


Only true TE fanboys have the entire doll choir!! :joy:

……singing off the TE Field Table!

OP-1 Field owners are merely Padawans

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If you think the OP-1 is overpriced (new), do not look into Saxophones :upside_down_face:

Although they are quite difficult to manufacture, so there is that…