New to AR MK2: Help to understand how the compressor works

Personally, I think I’d rather the resources spent on more features than a meter. In reality, the GR meter will not be accurate enough to really be of much good. A GR meter, outside of some clinical work, is just a distraction in my opinion. I just listen.

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Any indicator is useful depending on the production circumstances or individual workflow.

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Are you saying you put the makeup gain at 22-23 and the level of the comp all the way up?

The level part is just master volume, not the level of the compressor. I put the threshold all the way up for unity if that’s what you mean?

I still get confused sometimes with the comp. Trying different genres, or different mixing texhniques, or if i wanna push something earlier on the gainstaging… Makes the comp react soooo differently. I use it more for the distortion nowadays than for comping. Generally i will have the volumes controlled earlier in the gainstaging so i havent really noticed the comp reacting even in the lowest thresh possible. But would love to hear how people use it when using mainly the synth and not samples

The problem is that having the threshold all the way up doesn’t equal unity. You need to it set up roughly at 9 o’clock and still match the input & output levels with the MUP.

Without a proper bypass button and a freakin’ GR meter is VERY HARD to set this thing right.

After a year and half waiting for an update, I just gave up! I’m using Access analog instead which way easier to use and sound WAY better!

Meanwhile the DT got several updates:(

The most recent one includes Loopcloud integration & new machines… It doesn’t feel great supporting a company that don’t give a damn about their flagship products/top spending customers. Definitely my last Elektron product…

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