Newbie: Tempo not saving with Banks

Hello again,
I am finding that the tempo does not save with my new bank - so when I create a my previous bank which had a different tempo, it is stuck to the last set tempo.

Is there a way round this? should be an easy fix to update if there’s not?

Personally, I don’t see why you can’t have a slightly different tempo for each pattern in a bank (especially if your using loops and don’t like the timestretching artifacts) but I know you can’t.

I did read in the manual that I should consider Banks like “Songs” in your set- so why can’t I link a native BPM to my different songs/bank?

(I mean its a bit boring if all the tracks in yr set where the same BPM no?)

I know there is a way round it with arrangements but that implies that you want to pre-structure everything rather than improvise a structure with your song or bank as you call it.
Also I see the BPM shift in arrangements is only whole number not points like 118.7 - kinda annoying.

Thanks for illuminating.

You can use the arranger to simply load the first pattern in your new bank at the desired tempo. You can get in and out of arranger mode on the fly too, so once the new bank/pattern is loaded at the new BPM you can exit arranger mode and go back to manually switching patterns.


that’s a bit convoluted don’t you think?

sorry, didn’t mean to be ungrateful for your reply, which i appreciate, just frustrated its not been addressed in a simpler way

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Everyone reaches these points of frustration at times it seems.
There are so many ways to ‘skin the cat’ inside the OT it would be hard not to be convoluted in some ways.
Also the solution to many ‘problems’ with the OT can be addressed if you add another device to your setup.

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Also, I think pressing function + pattern, selecting your next song and pressing function + pattern again to resume manual pattern switching, all while the sequencer is running is really not that convoluted once you get the hang of it.

All the Elektron instruments are like this. It’s a conscious decision by them to have all patterns transition smoothly into each other, rather than a problem that they will someday “fix”, despite over a decade of requests from some users.

its a strange decision to omit that but your right the arranger mode is not such a hassle to access…just more button presses to do something simple

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