#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Just a few days from now it will become much easier as ALL elektronauts joined the party :slightly_smiling_face:




I though a lot about this and decided not to take part. Personally I’ve found when giving things up that 100% abstinence is too tough and guilt-laden and what works better for me is reduction.

I do need to focus less on rotating gear and more on creating and over the last 6 months I’ve been selling off unneeded things and settling on a good working setup. At the same time, this is my only real hobby that requires spend: I don’t go out or drink much anymore, don’t need a car, etc so I actually enjoy trying different tools and approaches, so I don’t want to lose that.

My goal for next year will instead be one-in-one-out and using a savings pot to work towards better replacement kit I’d like. Good luck to everyone taking part though, I think it’s a noble goal :slightly_smiling_face:


Same here. I will try not to buy anything or trade/keep changing my setup as much as I have this year but I won’t rule it out if there’s a situation that could be resolved by changing things up. Buying new things won’t be my first solution, however.

The perk for me, if I can save all/most of the money I would ”normally” spend on synths in a year, is that my plan is to take time off work and spend the time writing music. I did just that late last year for three months and it was the best money I’ve ever spent. I know all people can’t take time off work but if you ask me if I’d rather have a Prophet-5 sitting on my desk or spend three months home writing music, I’d choose the latter every time.

So I’ll try to keep my eye on the (bigger) prize but not kick myself if I ”fail”.


I sometimes feel this way and regret a few of my purchases as impulsive. I try to remind myself, I don’t have to use a box just because it is there, but I also see some people intentionally put boxes away or sell them so they aren’t tempted to use them and can then focus on fewer things. I have been contemplating both/either with a few of my boxes (OT, Minilogue).

Me: broke af

Also me: challenge accepted!


Added! :raised_hands:

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Ah, yeah my “set up”:

  • OT mk2 (the grey one)
  • Arturia Microbrute (OG)
  • A computer with DAWs and lots of plugins
  • A Vestax turntable
  • A Native Instrument Z2 mixer
    (the last two for scratching purposes)
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I’m with you brother :fist:t6:

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As I posted earlier, this is what I’m using it for.

No accountability but within, no “abstinence” so much as consideration and mindfulness and self-empathy :slight_smile:

I know what lights me up like a pinball machine in times that have included fairly dark skies overhead and in the foreseeable distance, but I can try to put in the work to route around and be happier in output over consumption both media and product.

Best wishes!

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I’ve had a self-imposed no-purchase policy for the last year or so, which is that I don’t buy anything before my musical output increases significantly and I run into an actual limitation that my current setup imposes on me. Haven’t relapsed yet.

Somehow, the musical ideas I currently have in my head and my recent jams don’t even use all of the small setup I already have. So count me in @Joebas .

One unlikely caveat, related to another thread:
If by some unlikely but blessed chance my output does make that leap and I get to 10 complete tracks/live-sets that I am really happy with (enough to post on Elektronauts), then fuck it, I may indulge myself.

Currently using only:

  • MPC Live
  • Faderfox PC 12
  • Zoom MS 50-G
  • Topp-Pro 6 Ch. Mixer
  • Keystep

On the desk, plugged in but just collecting dust:

  • M:S
  • Alesis Micron
  • Old iPad with Animoog

Added! :raised_hands:


Ah, that’s why y’all are buying so many new synths, you can’t use them on more than one song!

I love learning a new instrument and finding a new sonic palette, but my composer buddy is scoring tracks using Ableton’s instruments/FX, and performing live with Ableton and using it as a looper… surely I must be satisfied with what I own at some points, and need to constantly pare down to what I will use the MOST over having more things to deep dive over.

The musician’s equivalent of sketchbooks is basically “free”.

You can write in OneNote or similar, you can record as much MIDI as will fit on a hard drive :wink:

Do noodles count?


I’m on board. Though if a Behringer Solina clone actually comes to fruition it’d be quite difficult for me to pass up.

Guys, a few months ago I hit rock bottom and bought a TR-6S for no reason. I just had to have that ACB.

But everyone knows the story. Now that it’s in front of me, it just doesn’t make me happy. And now I have my sights set on a model samples because I saw Blawan using one in a Karenn video.

We just made a down payment on a house! I need help!

My live setup that I just used (very much in process):

Model cycles
Bamboo flute
Boss dd3
TC HoF (og)

Everything else:
Volca keys
TC Nova delay, reverb, and mod, ditto2
Ehx hot wires, freeze, memory boy
Ableton suite with mk1 push
Soundcraft Epm12
Roland Dep5 and GP16
Other stuff I’m forgetting


Aint gonna help with GAS! Hardy har har…


Added! :raised_hands:

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And added! :raised_hands: