#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I struggle with that damn snippet problem too. Usually it’s that a part becomes so moody that anything I try to build around it sounds stupid and incoherent.

This happens especially with piano roll editing when the visual aid is working somehow against me and my inadequate theory makes it frustrating.

Been wasting so much time aimlessly transposing tracks up and down until I don’t even know what music means anymore. :joy:

Glad to hear about your break throughs!!


Man this really resonates with me. I come from a band background too and I’ve thought a lot about how different it is making music on my own vs. with other people. It’s impossible to reproduce the feeling of having people in the room with you, getting their reaction in the moment, reacting to how they react to you, etc. etc. So I also end up producing a lot of stuff that sounds like one part of a larger ensemble, except there’s nobody else chiming in.

I think this partly explains why I’ve gravitated towards electronic instruments that are especially complex or difficult to control precisely. Getting that resistance from the instrument, the unexpected changes or surprises, gives me some of that feeling like I’m jamming with someone else. Just that sense of the music being pulled from different sides and how that leads you to unexpected places. I really like making music that way — less about translating an idea in my head, and more about settling into the process of creating, experimenting, being spontaneous, reacting/exploring/etc.


I sold my digitakt, which i had been going back and forth about keeping for a bit. I loved it as an instrument but really didn’t create effectively with it. maybe samples aren’t my thing, maybe pairing an A4 with it wasn’t vibing. whatever the case it’s gone and i feel a bit lighter.


Don’t underestimate the triangle, dude. I wish I had these kind of rhythm chops. Ain’t gonna get those skills buying and selling triangles. Definitely taking some percussion classes this year. Cabasa is also sick.

Also, in the spirit of gear doesn’t matter. I love this dude. Check him out rocking this SpongeBob kit. Stay for the jungle/d&b stuff. ::chef’s kiss:: :man_cook:

It’s funny because I bet a lot of people that see that video think, “I need to find one of those SpongeBob kits” rather than “I need to learn to drum like Benny Greb” (I’m definitely guilty of that mindset).


In the nicest possible way……


Sure, for some people it might be nothing more than a bit of light hearted banter or even a trivial first world problem. So I can understand how such statements might be irritating or even offensive to those with much bigger problems (comparable to how joking about having OCD is pretty offensive to people who are really fkng struggling).

But for others it can be a significant issue.

May or may not be anyone here, but I’ve seen both forum posts and real life cases where GAS looks pretty damn close to compulsive shopping; which can absolutely be a mental health issue.

It could also be symptomatic of or somehow tied to some other issue that while not disrupting fulfilment of the base level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, nevertheless results in a certain amount psychological distress.

Perhaps it would be better to not make assumptions about internet strangers who may or may not be dealing with far more than we know.


indeed. padeiro is pretty wild when played well, too. i first heard it via charlie hunter, another freak of nature who does a lot with one instrument.


Q1- OT
Q2- Polyend Tracker

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Augusta, Georgia USA

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sick! you guys have a nice golf course out there. :slight_smile:

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I’d like to hear Meshuggah’s Bleed played with a triangle, with the bends and all.


Read this today (thanks mozilla pocket for keepng me constantly reading shit I don’t need to read!)

Kind of relevant.


Good article that. Interesting how to some extent we’re all caught in the capitalist/consumerist trap.
Put some positive things into motion today:

  • Returned some stuff I impulse bought before the deadline
  • Identified a few items to sell.
  • Identified some items to box up and put away

For the things to box up, I’m not using them, they are just sitting there (admittedly looking great) “in case” I decide to use their specific functions. I think that stops me making music, so away they go for now.
Small steps each day is my goal. A side aim of NGNY for me is to stop wasting non-music time (e.g. when I should be working or doing things with family) obsessing about gear too.


So what’s the new setup gonna be then?

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I’m thinking OT, Rytm plus 1-2 synths. Perhaps just the Virus to start with. I’ve seen plenty of amazing videos with just those!


Who’s currently GAS’ing for something they don’t really need?

I’m ogling a Korg Wavestate and/or Modwave and need to show some commitment.

Importantly, I was going to write here what/why I want one, but I think it would be helpful for us all to not sing the praises of ANY gear in this thread.
Even if it’s gear we own… we should understand that it’s gear that other people don’t always have and we could be sending them to Youtube, etc…

This thread has also made it clear to me that SELLING gear mentally fuels feeling justified in buying… and I’ve often done the buying first, justifying by thinking I’m ‘just’ bank rolling myself till I sell something else to cover it. With this, I think I’m going to hit the pause button on all my buying/selling for a while.


To be honest with you, I’m baffled every day by, how easy and right for me, this whole thing feels. I have zero interest in new gear, but a lot of interest in the stuff I own.


Absolutely those and the Torso sequencer too.

But in the spirit of this topic, I will try Digitone with Max/MSP as a great alternative!

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Yes, similar here… I’ve been telling myself to use Pigments and Live/MAX/.

Not going through the craziest GAS phase atm but it’s definitely lurking. I’d say there’s about ten items I’ve been watching or even had in the (recent) past and that I’ll be much more likely to fall for than just some random piece of new shiny. Things like Lyra-8, A4 mk1 (had both once already) and Pulsar-23. Already seen each of them 2nd hand this year but the not-that-great prices have made it fairly easy to resist. Also seems I’m currently in a state where I’m more likely to reason against new gear than for it. I’ve had those phases before though, followed by buying multiple things at once so def not ”cured” in any way. Plus the fact that I’ve only had time for a couple of proper sessions with my ”new”, more focused setup.

Which brings us to…

This is going to be hard. And not only because I’ve already done that with a couple of pieces. I totally understand your point and I think it’s valid - I don’t mean to flame anyone’s GAS by praising gear - but ruling out discussion on our existing gear… There are other discussions to be had and I’m sure we’ll get to those in this thread in the course of 2022 but at the end of the day, we’re doing this on a gear forum anyway. :grinning: