#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I’m going to avoid trades, whether “allowed” or not. Instead of checking here, Reverb, Sweetwater, or Perfect Circuit, I will look in my closet and pull out the stuff I might have traded to reconsider them.

Edit: honestly, I will still be checking here, Reverb, Sweetwater and Perfect Circuit, NAMM, SoundOnSound, etc. for what’s coming out, but really like this commitment.


I’ll be muting a whole bunch of Elektron/Sell/Other Gear threads on here and deleting the Reverb app in preparation for this adventure. More focus on techniques/discussion and less on new shinies.


The force is strong with you :muscle: I’ll go delete the local buy/sell app on my phone. Good idea.

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sounds good. i’m in. barring some catastrophe or natural disaster, i pledge not to buy new gear. i don’t play gigs or otherwise treat gear roughly. there should be no reason to replace anything unless it fails. the only music related money i might spend in the new year will be on piano lessons. otherwise, the goal is to use what’s here, get better at production (no new plugins), and learn piano. if anyone needs a sponsor, let me know.


Ha, me too! It was called marriage/mortgage/kids!


I think I’ll borrow your piano idea. Not neccesarily lessons, but getting back to playing it. Was never any good, but have played on and off. Always liked it better, than the guitar I’ve played for years, go figure.

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Count me in!

I’ve been worried of my recent behaviour as I only ever seem to post in the Latest Purchase -thread anymore. Ever since I’ve bought the book shop I’ve worked very hard and now that I get a little better salary than I used to, I spend it all on gear. The gear purchase hits and misses 2021 -thread made me realize that 75% of my current setup has been bought in the last year’s time. I spend way too much of my time in second hand music gear websites. That’s no way for a man to live.

I love limiting my self in different ways, giving myself some guidelines which to live by. I don’t do drugs, I don’t eat/drink animal products and for the next year I won’t buy any gear. It’s good for me and good for the planet. Maybe it’ll become a habit for a longer time. I only need to do one last gear purchase before the end of this year (I really really really want the Boss RC-600 looper to play with for a year.)



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Im in too!
Bought a lot this year and even got into eurorack >.< which is even worst for gear churn than synths and sound modules!

time to learn properly what i have and stop looking fo the the next distraction, ive been buying things just because i can and some deal popped up , now it’s a bit of a metal strain as I know i have more than i need and still not using that properly :stuck_out_tongue:


Eurorack is crazy. And it’s my favourite thing ever :heart:


I’m in!

With the emphasis on maximising what’s here.

GAStronauts of the world unite!

Like a gearlust version of No-Fap :wink:


Oh wow, this should be fun.

I can not quite cheat because of preorders waiting on supply chain (Avalon, Euterpe Vertice) and not make any new orders for the rest of the year! Maybe still sell stuff, but not a problem!


I’m in. But I get a pass for a 3 Sisters if it becomes available. Been waiting long enough.

Also acoustic treatment if a good deal pops up.


I tried to do it this year, but failed. Spectacularly. So, I’m up for doing it this coming year. But, I need to add some real risk. Here’s my daft idea… I gave my mate a loan of my Digitone for a bit, so if, I fail and end up buying some gear in 2022 then he can keep my Digitone - @biestyboy you could get lucky next year!

Pre-orders don’t count! And the big question, having been recently considering getting back on the OT train do I shuffle some finances for a last minute purchase??


I’ve never wanted you to fail so badly in my life!


Just keep sending him little demo videos of new toys from time to time. He will crack. Good luck!


donut be evil


Hell yeah - this is serious commitment :sunglasses:

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But… Doesn’t it sound bad…? :joy:


I have some delayed pre-orders of a Osmose and cirklon coming of a in next year so those are excluded! already making get out clauses >.<