#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

I’m still in it! Had been looking for one since mid December, no plans to buy anything else.


I couldn’t find you on the list, but I’ve added you now :raised_hands:

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Not my business, yet I want to voice an opinion that “sin” is pretty charged as a term and may trigger negative feelings/counter-productive guilt. How about “slip” or “caving” etc…?


Guilt is good.


But if the hours on the phone have been transferred to the computer… :thinking:

Yeah, that’s definitely possible. Although the problem I have with any kind of phone addiction is that often times normal conversations and other experiences suffer bcs of it. In my case it’s just a stupid habit to check my phone semi-constantly and I can’t/won’t have it anymore. :slight_smile:

What do you think?

There is no progress without negative feelings and the tone here has been v understanding. If one makes a vow and then goes and buys a new synth, I think the negative feelings will be there no matter what the preferred word for it is.


Being one of said “sinners”, I admit I find the exaggeration of it humorous and amusing.


It is more comical than judgmental for sure. :joy:


The etymology of the word ‘sin’ is quite telling.
It means (something like) ‘to miss the mark” as in archery.

So it would seem that a very forgiving and unloaded term got loaded along the way…how dreadfully sinful!


I’ve read that it means originally someone who is left-handed. I’m lefty btw.

edit: oops, sinister means originally left-handed.


totally agree with that.

I get the impression, when people are on their own in a crowd or out, they just can’t be alone. so they keep reaching for the phone. I noticed YEARS back I was doing that. and I started forcing myself to not look, not even for the time, and just look at people and my surroundings. I prefer that much more. I fucking hate the cell phone SO much. [It CAN be handy tho]


Been there too, but I find that more forgivable than the other annoying thing I find myself doing at times, everybody seems to do it occasionally, picking up the phone in the middle of a conversation for no reason. That’s very lame and rude.

Fortunately it’s easy to make a smart phone totally boring in no time.
Did that today and already I saw the difference when I went out to get tested for covid.
After couple of times opening it for nothing it begun to feel not worth it. :slight_smile:


I spent the last 6 months using the Digitone as a standalone device. During that time, I bought a Digitakt, but it has mostly sat in the corner, unconnected. This weekend I decided to plug in a bunch of gear: DN / DT / Old Yamaha Tone Generator / External Keyboard. As if that would make my life easier…

First thing I noticed, my external keyboard (Yamaha Reface DX) cannot be set to transmit fixed key velocity. And the Digitakt cannot be set to ignore velocity messages (though, apparently, the DN can). This pretty much neutralized any speed benefit I could get from entering notes / chords from the external keyboard, as I would still have to fix the velocities of all of them.

I am not trying to complain about my gear. Rather, I’m suggesting that limitations multiply as our setups become more complex.

What? Isn’t it supposed to be the opposite?

This weekend, I used the Digitakt only as a MIDI sequencer, controlling my old Yamaha Motif Rack tone generator, on a project for my 5th grade strings classes. I spent a fair amount of time researching and trying to understand p-locked bank changes. Turns out, the Motif Rack needs some time to think during a bank change. A bank select cannot be successfully sent on the first step of a pattern.

This problem would not exist if I were still happily plugging away at my standalone Digitone setup. Not that I’m sorry. I learned a bunch of stuff in the process, and I am pretty sure I can continue using the Motif Rack for projects. But my point is, increasing the complexity of my setup created more problems than solutions for me.

I don’t think I will be connecting all my (modest amount of) gear any time soon. I like the idea of focusing on one bit of kit, or maybe the interaction of two bits, at a time.


This is my number one pet hate in people I know, that and the incessant scrolling and shutting out of other people in the room/wherever. Smartphones are great, social media is anything but in the habits it brings out in people.

That’s the EXACT problem. Social media is so addictive, people do that in preference talking to other people that are physically present. Craziness! This :arrow_double_down: should be taught in the school curriculum these days, you can see your kids locking into this kind of behaviour and that’s truly depressing :frowning:


Oofff. I’d never do that. Even if I get a call while engaged with folks I send to voicemail. UNLESS, I’m expecting a call re: some werk….



I don’t have the capacity to imagine anyone having bad feelings, from the use of that word in this thread, but if it happens to anyone being ‘marked’, I’ll be happy to work out a solution.

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Me too !! I also really hate it when people answer phones in the middle of a conversation without acknowledging you !
It drives me crazy - it’s so rude - it winds me up - if we go out for a meal my girlfriend will be checking her phone !! It’s also really common for patients to even answer the phone in the middle of a consultation !!! I mean - wow !!!
When my phone goes if I am with someone else I usually refuse the call or if I cant do that then I ask the other person if they mind me answering… (an wait for a reply before I answer the call !!!)

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@frosty_raver @phaelam it’s astounding isn’t it. That’s why these things have answerphones. Or, they will call back, it will wait (exception for urgent stuff of course)!

Yeah I have this too. And then she tells the kids off for using their phones at the table! It’s a real addiction - involuntary, potentially damaging behaviour plus denial.


Too right !!
I even turn my phone off when I’m not using it - I only turn it on when I want to either make a call or check something and then turn it off again or if I am out training on my bike :slight_smile: (Very few friends have my mobile number - I give them the home number instead - I have a phone for my convenience; not for people to call me and interrupt me :slight_smile: )