No, I have the coolest looking machine ever

Nice one. Total bastarding there. And who sells there baby anyway? Wtf? Never!!

I see Walter in there. “Calmer than you are” is one of the golden lines in that movie. And again, if any of you hadn’t seen The Big Lebowski, well, what exactly are you doing with your life. Run, don’t walk, run to your Netflix now. It’s on Netflix here in the US, anyway, I’m case you have it don’t want to pay but it is a must watch. Pay if you have to.

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Great films, great custom skins! I don’t remember Dark Star so I’ll have to check that out…that photo of the bear with that blonde is down right kreep-eee on so many levels!!

I thought it was an ewok?



This reminds me I need to book my vasectomy.


Can’t argue
Best looking octa I’ve seen
Saw They live back in the 80s
Society is another film that is deeper than most think


Watched society last night. Made me sad. It’s like they tried to make the worst movie ever because it’s likely true on a dark, dark level and just wanted to make the idea look totally ridiculous. Who were those actors and people involved. Somebody should’ve said “Cut! Cut! Cut!” and just walked away. I highly unrecommend it . Just, yuk! Thanks anyway. No offense. It was kind of interesting.

No probs
I think that was the idea
People will watch it and think this is ridiculous
But there is an incestuous vibe that very much runs true within the upper middle classes and I think this was the main message.
Much like they live was ridiculed back in the day , but the the knowledge we have 40 years later , it dont seem so ridiculous

A remake is in order, I’d say. It’s not an unfounded concept. Don’t get me started. This was supposed to be music thread or something.

And thanks for the compliment. I’m proud of my baby.