No MIDI notes over USB?

Ok…I am stumped on this one.

I’ve got a Novation UltraNova connected to my PC via USB. I am using Reason as my DAW on a project. I’ve got the A4 (among other gear) hooked up via USB to the PC.

Using external midi instruments, I can get the Novations MIDI notes to my Origin, UltraNova, Kronos, etc. with no problems. For some reason, however, the A4 won’t respond. I have the MIDI channels set to the defaults. I have MIDI note receive on. I play notes on the novation or from a sequencer track and the A4 acts as if nothing has been received.

Any clues? Tracks aren’t muted and they respond from the keys on the A4.

does this help?

Nope…The driver is there and seems to be working Identifies itself as the A4. The software is showing all the indications that MIDI is being sent out. The A4 is set to receive information via USB and the Receive Notes is checked

Interestingly, Live won’t let me use that Port for output. I am thinking that either the USB port on my PC is bad or the A4’s USB port is bad. Either way, bad news.

I’m betting you did, but it’s always best to check, but did you check the Midi channels? Maybe its sending to the wrong channel or something.

Checked the channels. Not that.

I got it working now, though. As I feared, the USB port on my PC is bad. Switched ports and now it all works fine. Bad news, but at least it isn’t the A4 port that’s the problem.