No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

My wife often reminds me that my “favorite things to do are shop and rearrange”, and it hurts every time I hear her say that because I know in a lot of ways she is right.

I do love making things, but typically a new purchase is a distraction and getting it integrated and learning it prevent me from deeper creative explorations or progress. It’s probably coming from an irrational fear of failure.


For sure. Last year it was very eye-opening and surprising to hear that so many others here were also struggling with this stuff. Before that all of the discussions on the topic I’d been a part of had been mostly in a joking manner.

I’m certainly not supporting anyone who’s putting their financial situation above other people’s mental well-being and making it public like that.


I think it was just that, a poorly written statement. I don’t think it’s worth reacting to (much like maybe he shouldn’t have reacted to the idea).

I’m sure there will be some that make it the whole year without a purchase but I don’t think most will make it.
The impact of 73 signees (and counting) should be negligible and end result will likely be less.

I also see that these threads mean something different to everyone. I see that it really is an addiction for some.

That hasn’t been my issue and I’ve seen many that are like me here, where they purchased more recently due to not being able to test in person.

I also crossed off some major wish-list items last year because of exchange rate pricing, but I don’t feel there’s an addiction (no buying for the sake of buying).

This Jamuary challenge is also making me reconsider how I have things connected, and the speed of my apparently now aging 5 year old computer (but I feel like bought it yesterday). I do see some possibly unplanned utility purchases this year, but largely I like the idea of digging in.

I keep seeing “depth year” mentioned everywhere. I like that concept and I’m still signed up here for now. Acquiring thoughtfully is definitely the right way IMO.


All this talk about about addiction and compulsion is really speaking to me right now. I’ve been spending time on modulargrid trying to justify a purchase of over $1k to change up my euro rack.

Do I need it? No.
Do I want it it? Yes.

I’ve already scrolled through: the for sale section of this forum, reverb, local music shops ad nauseaum.

I’ve filled my cart. I’ve typed out messages to users. My justification engines are running at full steam.

Truly, the only things that kept me honest last year was this forum and my pledge to my wife.

So I’m coming here to confess my temptation and imagining my wife’s disappointment/anger if I were to blow $1k on bleeps and bloops.

All that’s to say: This space does work folks! Not for everyone but it can work if we treat it as a supportive environment. And if you don’t have a spouse to disappoint, imagine @Wolf-Rami glaring at you :wink:



Whoa, only 11,5 months left y’all!!


I would do this, and then justify following through on the sales by ‘not wanting to mess the seller around’ after enquiring about the products. Mad!

What I found last year was when I was tempted, was being able to resist for a short amount of time until the urge passed really worked for me. Posting on this thread and messaging people for a supportive chat was a lifesaver. Also distracting myself with other things, making it to the end of the day without buying something etc. all helped.

Stay strong :muscle:


I’m signing up. I’ve already found myself browsing for used gear, and I just don’t need any of it. I’ve got a handful of really excellent gear that will provide years and years of sonic exploration and potential fun. I also have a couple of handfuls of of stuff that barely gets used, and which I probably need to get rid of.

This year is going to be about committing to playing with the great gear, and committing to offloading the stuff I don’t play with


I know everybody makes their own rules but dang just saw that one pretty significant mod for a synth I own is maybe available in couple months. I have been waiting for that for years and scared that if I miss it, there will be no new batch… The price + installation price (it has been said by the manufacturer that it is complicated, SMD stuff etc included and high potential to mess your synth if failed) is prob that high that I would also need to sell something else.

What is peoples stance here on stuff like that?


Interested to hear from folks planning this as a depth year exercise as well. How are you approaching that?

I didn’t buy any gear last year (in fact sold quite a bit), but I didn’t make hardly any music either. I still feel like I have several possible setups and whenever I’m working with one it’s in the back of my mind to change it to another, so I’m still getting distracted. I know a few people (maybe from 2022) have sold nearly everything they’ve got and committed to one setup or way of working.

Maybe I’d benefit from this. Although I’ve hesitated to sell nearly everything, fearing temptation of re-buying it when I miss it. I’m not keen at all to get back on the GAS treadmill!


As part of Jamuary, I made a list of ideas, techniques, song ideas, etc that I’d like to explore with the gear I already own. So far I’ve been adding to the list faster than I can cross things off - often one task turns into multiple or spawns additional ideas.

When I really think about it, there are so many things for me to learn or improve on and if I focus on those things instead of gear-lust, I’m generally happier with myself and time spent. I’m trying to remind myself of that, and the fact that shopping is often a result of laziness or some other negative outlook.

I’ll have to see what happens after the Jamuary exercise has concluded. I’m hoping it turns into a weekly one where more time is spent developing tracks.


I think what’s really helping me is Jamuary.

Each day I have a rough plan of what gear I want to work with, and a plan B in case things don’t work out for technological reasons (happened twice so… Jedi Rick is the most glaring example and the very messy Ferrix Battle is the 2nd).

This is streamlining my approach in a great way. I never planned to use everything all at once, but this is helping me figure out what I like to work with at any given time.

Jamuary is also pushing me to start thinking in advance of using the gear (in absence of technical issues) and it helps me make better use of my limited time.

Basically, I have an eye on efficiency for this “depth year.” I have a very demanding work M-F and the love of my life is a long-hauler with several lingering complications, and then you throw in the normal day-to-day life activities. Time gets away quickly.

Aside from the hands-on approach, I have PDF manuals installed pretty much everywhere. Cheat Sheets loaded where I can find them.

I think this is very much like speaking different languages where it’s easy to get rusty if you don’t use it. Finding a way to make this the everyday world and integrate it alongside everything else is making it easier.

Manuals and quick-links to videos is the back-up plan for those forgetful moments.

To me “Depth Year” just means making what you have, part of what’s normal.


I’ve seen it listed that February is album month. My brother and I area already planning on releasing a limited LP based on ideas from Jamuary. The plan is one track a week, so 4 tracks (maybe 5 if over-achieving).


This GAS shit is definitely a dopamine addiction for me, and it’s hitting the markers of being both something that happens semi-against my will , compulsively and even when deleterious to my finances or artistic output. I’ve wasted more money buying and selling gear than I currently OWN IN GEAR. If that’s not an addiction then I better start getting serious about that ketamine


Simple and brilliant. Thx @no-thanks!


Last year’s NGNY was a good start for me. I stopped the vicious cycle of constantly buying and selling things. I also stopped obsessing about gear, Didn’t really make any music though. I struggled with being stuck with the same ideas and not making any progress until I got them out of my system. Started a thread about my struggle (Commitment issues) and got a lot of good ideas from fellow elektronauts.

That thread made me realize that maybe the thing I need in my life is a DAW that I love and know how to use. Around new year’s eve I bought Logic Pro and have been very very happy with it. For me NGNY 2022 was basically a year spent thinking hard about what I REALLY need in my life to be able to make music and by the end of the year I had the answer.

My goal and intention this year is to continue my NGNY commitment and at the same time learn to use my DAW and get out of the creative rut that I spent my 2022 in. I’ve been watching a couple of tutorial videos a day by Musictechhelpguy and I’ve been learning a lot in the few short weeks already. This year it’s time to take my synth hobby to the next level which is finishing a song, getting it out of my system and getting to start another song.

Rearranging my studio space has also put my Roland XV-5080 rompler and my V-Synth XT in my reach and I’ve been spending a lot of time learning to program those too. Rack synths are nice and space saving but unless they’re right in front of your face you’ll never do anything else except use the presets. Nobody wants to spend their time under the table on four legs programming sounds.


Can I join after I buy an Analogue Heat? I didn’t know I actually needed it before last week.


I think this is a fantastic idea. I shuffled gear last year, only buying something new if something else was moving on. It made me think a lot about what I need and what really inspires me. I think a year just learning more about the gear I have and staying focused on making music would be really good.

Sign me up!


I will go full-on David Goggins on my OT.
Also will dive deep with the MnM.
Those two devices hold the most unused potential of all my gear.

There are so many good tutorials online that I’m out of excuses to take it head on finally.
I’ve been watching and following the lessons on Ned Rush and Max Marco videos a lot for the past few days and will continue doing so.

Also trying to learn Logic better since I’ve used it pretty much the same way since I got it.

I’m not feeling any pressure to be creative musically atm as painting, sculpting and video-art are low-key taking control of my creativity currently.

I know I’ve said it enough times here already for some of you probably getting tired of hearing it, BUT, for anyone feeling stuck with music, trying out something completely new for you can make such a big chance with creativity, bcs then you’ll have more than one horizon and they begin to feed and boost each others.