No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

I have all needed to survive for live and home setup the plan is to use

Access Virus TI2
Rytm MK2
Analog 4


I have Ganesha and Saraswati. I have only the most meagre of connections to my ancestral heritage; I just like the idea of multiple arms while making music.

Re NNGY 23 (thank you for adopting my name suggestion), I’m not officially in, but I read all of the 2022 thread, and will follow this one. If I were in a stable situation with all my gear, I could easily join; there’s nothing I need or crave and a lot that’s underused. But I’m soon going to cross an ocean with what I can put in my carry-on, the rest to be shipped by sea at some indeterminate time, and I won’t rule out buying a piece or two on the other side (though I probably won’t need to).


It’s very cool to see so many people taking part in this again!

Even though I sinned a little last year, the NGNY has been the single most beneficial thing to happen to my music making, life management and creativity in a long time.

Thank you so much @Joebas for 2022 and thank you @Wolf-Rami for making this a thing this year!! :pray: :pray: :pray:


I won’t be officially joining this year. Though I will be here in spirit. Not being able to do something plays tricks on my mind. I failed miserably twice last year (in the first two months), then went six months (with the self-imposed pressure off) without buying anything. To be fair, I had debts, marriage and moving country to consider before spending non-existent moolah on noise makers. Now I have a bit more disposable income than previous years but I’m in no rush to spend it. I think that shows some progress. Anyway, good luck to all those taking part this year!


Are you one of the few that got one?

And thanks for your help! I tried several times on my own, without any luck.

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Yep but mine doesn’t work as expected for now…

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I didn’t take part in NGNY last year but the conversation did make me stop and think about what I was buying. I ended up considering if a new piece of kit delivered something that I needed that I couldn’t do with the gear I already owned.
It made me much more focused and I have concentrated on diving deeper into the gear I already have.

As a result I think I maybe onboard for a 2023 NGNY as I have so much to learn and no obvious holes in my set up.

Stay strong my friends!


Bad unit?

Sign me up!

I failed twice last year, but with no regrets. Too good a deal came up on an AK, and I have been delighted with it. I also bought myself a cheap bass guitar just last week, as a Christmas present to myself…haven’t had one in ages and they are just so fun to play.

But I do really have everything I need, and the gear I did purchase last year was deeply informed by the awareness that GAS is really principally a dopamine mill. I haven’t been obsessing over anything, and now avoid videos that focus on specific products I don’t already have.


Last year’s thread really helped me sort my shit out.

At the moment I have my Macbook and Ableton, Maschine MK3. I ordered a new Electro Harmonix Platform just before the year was out, as I really regretted selling that in the big gear sell off.

I am in in spirit as I will be very inactive, and ready to support. I do intend on buying a couple of bits through the year though, when saved up for. I’m wanting to reward myself for changing my gear relationship, and for hopefully sticking to my no drinking plans. I will get myself a ‘flagship’ studio item when ready and make no apologies for that (I had been dead set on a pulsar, but it might be back to an Elektron…) But I know that isn’t impulsive. Prepared to wait for it and to sacrifice all the smaller nonsense impulse buys I end up selling again.

Good luck all.


Alright deal, I’m in. I have nothing left but a newer iPhone 11 starring Koala Sampler and a new drum pad (akai lpd8 mk2) that I got both late last year. 23 will be nothing but this tiny rig,24 probably a whole different story lol

also have to master Cubasis 3, and start learning Drambo AND Loopy Pro this year. I’d be shooting me self in the foot if I bought anything this year


It seems !
A random happening bug, hard to track, they are sending me a replacement unit. Nice and fast customer support I would say.

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I failed miserably at this last year (like, mid-January even?) but now feel like I’m in a good place studiowise and should give it another go… to work with what I have and not add/overcomplicate things.

My main synths are the Matrixbrute and the Rev2 16v keys, as well a rehoused vintage MS-20, a Lyra-8, and a A4 Mk1 (controlling the DFAM/Modbase) for drums. I also will keep my Toraiz SP-16 that I’ve created a massive sample library for, and just sounds so nice. I have a few RML boxes for drum distortion and some other pedals and noisemaker bits around, but want to have digital fx be in the DAW. I’m also getting into Pigments for softsynths, which alone replaces a ton of digital hardware for me.

I have pretty damn good Adam A5x monitors now, some serious Sennheiser headphones, reasonably fast MacBook Air with huge 21:9 monitor for Ableton and a Tascam Model 12 as mixer, interface and control surface.

So yeah, put me down. It will be hard as some good friends on here are substantially paring down and letting go of some nice pieces from their studios, but I will try to resist.


Yesterday I found out that SOPHIE used a MonoMachine, which surely helped to crank the prices up to crazy levels. I watched a few vids on the unit, then checked eBay for the prices :grimacing: I knew they’d be out of reach, so I was just intrigued. $4-5k! Lolz, no thanks. I have a Digitone Keys which is a phenomenal FM synth, so I will watch some youtube videos of that to respark my interest in it (which isn’t waning, but it will probably help reduce the GAS for the MnM, which to be fair isn’t huge anyway because I know it’s way out of reach for me).

Yesterday I also found Autechre sysex dumps for MD and MnM for a live set they did in 2008 (which also helped to fuel the GAS of the MnM a little). However, this also increased my intrigue and desire to learn more and play more with my MD (mk1, non-uw).

Overall a win, I’d say. 364 more days to go! :smiley:


@Martebar thank you for your link: going for a Depth Year is more satisfying to my rebel mind than imposing a strong limitation. Might do the trick for you too @craig.

@Wolf-Rami count me in, but I’ll definitely be in the #DepthYear23 side :wink:


No purchase this year and will make it.


That’s the spirit!!
2022 was a rehearsal and this is the real deal.
That’s what I tell myself bcs I failed the last time. :slight_smile:


Hmm. I’ve got thing coming (Anima Omega), and two things planned — a Poly Hector, which will replace a pair of Beebos and let me simplify that bit of my chain, and an Evolver Desktop. With those caveats, I’m really looking forward to a quiet year where nothing changes, and to getting rid of a bunch of previous years’ churn. I don’t know if I’m formally in or not — that’s rarely how these things work for me — but everything that I’ve got in play right now makes me pretty happy, so there’s that.

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Sign me up for this year too. I’m planning on purging some unnecessary items and tightening up my finances for a house purchase. This community kept me honest last year. Can’t wait to do it again!