No New Gear Year 2023 AKA NGNY 2023

I’ve sold things for rent/mortgage also. It was usually the high-value items I had which I chose to sell, to maximize the income from the sale vs the hassle of selling. This also meant they were the hardest to get back after selling them. So, somehow, I still have some of the early bits of (low-value but endearing) gear which came into my possession…


I feel/felt guilty having gear I didn’t use.
I felt bad for the gear :slight_smile: it just sat there when it could be in the hands of someone who would enjoy it and make use of it.

Stock piled gear also stopped me in my tracks when I sit down to fiddle.

ngny :+1:t6:


I feel bad selling gear I took the time to master, or unobtainable one.
E.g. I don’t use my Monomachine much, and could get a lot of money out of it, but I know it, and know what it does that no other gear does… I just can’t resolve myself to let it go.

Selling my AR and OP-1 was quite heartbreaking, but rather liberating in a way.


Unobtainable I can understand.

I’m having a hard time deciding to sell Mindphaser. It’s a great complex oscillator with more features than I need… BUT there’s only 250 of them. So letting it go, means that’s it forever.

For ones you’ve mastered, I don’t consider that as much. A very odd person once shared the advice that the only reasons to buy new gear are to either sound better, or to work faster. Hopefully whatever new equipment you have falls in that faster/sound better category.


Ya I hear that. :+1:t6:

Unless you need the money for important things, not selling so quickly makes sense if you are not buying anything new. You can “shop your own stash” if you are GASsing, and also, something that is now unused and seems like it could be sold could fill an important role as you dive deeper into your gear.

This is not to advocate hoarding in general. Just more thoughtfulness in selling since you are not planning on buying for the year.


I sold quite a bit of gear at the start of 22, and again quite a bit at the end of the year.
I had bought a ton of stuff mostly on credit and got into quite a mess with that.
Selling was really important for me to clear debt, which is now mostly done.

I also cleared everything off the studio desk (15+ things) and set out a small setup of OT, Rytm & 1/2 synths, and that hasn’t changed in a year. I’m being very slow to explore it! As @peaceful says, I can switch up the 1/2 synths whenever I like (I have a few left, plus a modular case) for variation and to keep GAS at bay.

Sign me up for NGNY23!


Didn’t see this until now.
I’m in.

Edit: alteady sold 10 hardware boxes in 2023 :fire:


I know what you mean. I had my MD for 18 years, and used it very little the last few years.

It’s not wasted though. The time and effort you put into them probably gave you a lot of you, and you learnt stuff you can employ when using other instruments.

Annnnnd… I’m out. Made it five whole days! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That must be somekind of new world record for sure. Your name has been removed. Shame to see you go.



You might want to consider it a scorie of the past…


That early into the year? Surely we could forget you even started and you could try again, still 11 months and 3 weeks for that!

Remember, perfect is the enemy of good!


This was definitely a part of GAS for me. So focused on having the best of everything and making it look good, hiding the cables and lining the synths up. That I didn’t make any music, or buy things because of their sound or functions even.
I’m still learning to be satisfied with good or good enough, but recognising that perfection is unattainable/pointless (for me personally) was a big step.


I’m in. My gear buying habits have gotten increasingly bad since the beginning of the pandemic, and last year was the worst of it. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) my collection of gear is filled with things that I love. I could spend the rest of my life focused on learning the ins and outs of everything that I own, and there would always be something new to discover.

So this year I’m focusing on using all that I have to finally finish some projects. I’m tired of spending hours a day GASing over new gear. Those hours could be better utilized for the creative process. I might even mute some threads on here to only focus on the ones that are related to gear that I own. I want this year to be about personal growth and creative fulfillment. Whoo!


Count me in. I’m lacking nothing but time.


Sign me up! The last thing I need is more tech/complexity so I’m pretty sure I can pass this challenge with flying colours!

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imo instead of being removed, the names should be striked through


Good idea, done.


On second thought, I’m in. If for no other reason than to make it harder to justify buying new shit just because it’s shiny.