

Alex Willner (The Field) love elektronā€™s machineā€¦

Thtā€™s probably why i donā€™t take selfies :joy:

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or ---- ā€˜as ifā€™

Just received my DT Iā€™ve been waiting a long time for, so itā€™s from the latest batches. I shouldā€™ve known I would end up having some sort of button issues with my new unit as well. The ā€œFLTRā€ button is in the wrong spot, I have 2 ā€œAMPā€ buttons, and Iā€™m missing an ā€œSRCā€ button. This is kind of ridiculous.


Whoa. Thatā€™s insane!

Yeah. Sucks but they are very responsive and will shoot out replacements for you. Donā€™t have to open the box to swap them. Easy.

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As long as theyā€™re quick about it, and I donā€™t end up scratching the DT while switching out the buttons, I guess Iā€™ll be ok. Iā€™m still currently annoyed though.

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Itā€™s in a way, a sad state of competition Elektron has that it can get away with sloppiness like this, and I have to say a somewhat f u to customers in regards to releasing (Digitakt) with serious base level issues. Most other industries this would lead to eventual death.

That said, Iā€™m same as others Iā€™m sure - itā€™s still a ā€˜best optionā€™ for whatever reasons and a fair trade for your $. Sad though when normal manual/ advertised functions donā€™t work or cause problems. I wish I could give my $ to a company who is a bit more ā€˜honestā€™ in issuing a New product release-- but nobody else is doing what Elektron does for meā€¦ they make great music tools,

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True. Sad state. And no competition at 600 bucks doing what this does. So iā€™m lenient when there is so much love and attention to detail and so much forward thinking. Knowing that they will add new stuff thatā€™s not even expected. So this is sloppy, but quick and i put my faith in the company. No other company that will let me make music the way i want to make it now.

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I just tried prying one out using a plastic card. Yeah, itā€™s pretty simple to do. Should be an easy fix. At least, my ā€œFLTRā€ button is in the right spot now.

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I love Chaplin.


I woke up with a response to my customer support ticket waiting for me in my inbox; the speedy response time is much appreciated.

Itā€™ll only take a couple days for my new buttons to arrive; and as I described earlier, taking them off, and putting them back on is as easy as pie. Iā€™m also getting free swag, so in a way, Iā€™m actually lucky for having the minor button mishap. Iā€™ll post about my first impressions of the unit on a different relevant thread, but so far, my first impressions are quite favorable.

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