No sound output from AR - help!

I’d try another PSU3

I’d try it too already the oNe from my analog4… :frowning:

Did you try with headphones, new project ?

Yust try not working

Can you backup things?
Would be interesting to know.
Empty Reset, format, update, etc…

When i get home i’ll try it out… i die the calliberation again and i gonna wait till tis done know even if its needed 24hours … ill let you know what was the result… thanks tot the very fast response i’ll appreciatie fucking much !! Peace :wink:

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Did you update recently?

If so, check OB engine and make sure there are two inputs enabled. They shut off sometimes when updating.

Ignore if this does not apply.

I got the problem with my AR MK1 since sunday last week. Switched the PSU with my A4 and made self tests on both machines. A4 works with both PSUs, Rytm has the Audio [-] error with both PSUs and the other PSU-3b types from Heat, DN and Octatrack Mk2(They are all 12v and 2A). Wiped and factory/empty reset the machine several times, did the 1.50 update and tried calibration after 4hours of warmup, stuck at synths. No audio on any of the outs, no audio through USB with Overbridge. Wrote a ticket and got an answer on friday but in the worst case of a CPU replacement the CPU itself would cost 488€ plus their repair rates and shipping.

Nooo you got to be kidding me, pfff thats alot of money… again… :frowning: :frowning:

Still waiting for an answer about when and where to send the unit and it will probably take a few weeks from there. Hope it’s not gonna be the worst case scenario

Ok leth me know plzz!! My elektron AR still not fixed pfff i dont onderstand pfff :frowning:

I’ll try’ed everything now nothing seems to fix my problem with the audio error[-] 123456789

You’ve posted here on this issue over the last 4 weeks - but what have support said ?, they are the only people equipped to help you. You got a reply from someone in a similar boat to you, it seemed that the worst case repair costs (because the item was presumably long out of warranty) was quite high if the CPU needed replacing so you should have the conversation with support by creating a Ticket on your personal account over at … they will advise you about the most likely repair options and you can weigh those up … nobody here is going to be able to advise you any better - the error you get is very specific, that should allow them to advise you on your next steps especially as you have ruled out PSU issues

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Yess i just got answer back from elektron :smiley:

My rytm issues have been resolved. Worst case but support helped with some discount and quick response after sending the unit in.
Still a huge bummer that would probably put 2/3 of those affected on a serious hate train but I got 5 elektron machines and love working with them all nicely hooked up to one another

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Yes, thanks Arsey Rob! I had my octatrack power supply connected to the rytm by mistake and I got real sacred for a second.

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I just turned on my Rytm tonight, and had this audio failure issue. I’ve accidentally used the Octatrack PSU previously so I made sure to check I had the right one.

I checked using the A4 PSU too, no joy. Then I tried the A4 and it has the audio failure too!

So to me at the moment it looks like the Analog units or the PSUs could be affected by external factors - humidity or maybe something on the mains power (drop in voltage?). Has anyone had this issue, or can suggest a few things for me to test? I do have a multimeter, but I’m not sure I should go sticking the probes into a power socket….

Hi guys, I just wanted to add that when I replaced the LCD screen on my AR MK1 I have experienced this behaviour after re-assembly. Exactly the same behaviour. In my case I started in test mode, executed an OS Update (from 1.60A to 1.60E) and BOOM the monster roars like a tiger again!!